

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


Some people say that puters he made life easierandmore convenient. Other people say that puters he madelifemore plex and stressful. What is your opinion? Usespecificreasons and examples to support youranswer.[托福参看范文之一]Topic: 73

The use of puter is increasingly popular in modernsociety.Some people think that the puter makes life moreconvenient andeasier because they can pile documents, buy goodsthrough theInter and do other works on the puter.Nevertheless, in myopinion, the puter makes life more plexand stressful. Thereare many instances supporting my opinion.

Before the puter was invented, people only need to learntheknowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and so on.However,today people he to learn how to operate the puter, touse ariety of software and if the puter does not work, peopleheto learn how to repair it. People he to learn not onlytheknowledge of software but also that of hardware. No endinglearningmakes people exhausted and their life more plex.

The puter also makes life more stressful. The society inwhichwe live is called information society. Thanks forthedevelopment of the puter, the rhythm of life areincreasinglyrapid. The business men has so many meetings to attend,so manye-mails to deal with that they he no time to he hislunch. Somestudents he to work late on the puter to do thehomework atnight. There are more and more people struggling fromthe n

ervoussickness andplaining the busy life.

The rapid development of the puter makes people feelstressful,too. The new generation of the software and thehardware, the updateof them, all of these make people he to paymore and more time andmoney on their puters.

Although the puter has bee an indispensable part ofourlife, it can be concluded from the above statements thattheputer makes life more plex and stressful.








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