[劝学原文及翻译急急急急急急急急急急急]【 劝学】【原文】君子曰:学不可以已。青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。木直中绳。輮以为轮,其曲中规。虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而...+阅读
1.As a science students, I like and good at the summary, like the rich things organized. In the learning process, I also like to sum up the knowledge category, and even organized into tree structures to be understood. Meanwhile, I know how to discover and solve problems. I think that these advantages very helpful for my professional learning. 2.My character more impatient, a little too frank. When I encountered the problem, I like to proceed immediately to resolve it as quickly as possible, do not drag. 3.In my little time, I like to watch sci-fi movies, movies often have a lot of space workers, hugged him and cheer because of the success of such a scene again and again impressed me. In my opinion, we sincerely cooperate together to overcome the difficulties, challenging the unknown, and achieve victory, which is what makes blood boil things. I have always liked on the space industry. Second, your school attaches great importance to talent, each enrollment is Ningquewulan. I think I can learn at your wealth of knowledge, full of exercise. I hope to learn from your school, and I believe I have the ability to satisfactorily complete their studies. 4.I think the biggest difficulty comes from itself, one of the greatest opponent is himself. First of all, be aware of their own, there is self-knowledge is a daunting task. Secondly, people always have some shortcomings and bad habits, and perseverance to overcome these people, and even worthy of a brave man. Also, people always have inertia. In the winter morning, Who wants to sleep when someone else is still standing in the cold in the back boring English words, rather than rely on it in the warm bed. Therefore, the persistent efforts of a breakthrough that he is I think the most difficult thing. 5.Acquisition of knowledge for the future in order to better jobs and research services. When I graduate later, I am sure will be to apply their knowledge, try to do their jobs well. In my field of work to make their due success. 6.Friends is very important to me, a good friend is one of my most valuable asset, for me, a good friend of the character is sincere and enthusiastic. To get along with friends, I will feel very relaxed, we have a common topic of common interest. Between mutual concern and help each other. I have many such good friends. 7.The first is learning gains. I have completed the basic course of professional study, the adoption of English 46, and the successful completion of the graduate design, participated in two competitions. In these learning and practice, I am very productive. Not only in learning, I was and acted, learning all aspects of work such as harvesting is even larger. Now my learning objectives more clearly, learning and more motivated. I think that set a goal, whom plan, and to implement it, the process itself is harvested.
与汉语比较而言,英语表示状态或抽象概念的抽象名词较多。在英译汉时,如果直译后不能表明汉语所要表达的具体意思,常常需要通过增词翻译或者改换说法的方法,把这些抽象名词具体化。尤其对于通过加后缀形式构成的名词,更应该根据具体语境予以补充翻译。例如:commercialization (商业化情况/形势)、independence(独立性)、unemployment (失业现象)、ignorance (愚昧状态)、loyalty(忠心程度)等等。
【例14】 They wanted a generation of Americans conditioned to loyalty and duty.
【例15】 I bought the thinnest vestments I could find, also a heavy one with a warm top coat, because I would encounter extremes of weather.
多做英语翻译题,熟能生巧,可以做做看眼真相。~首先不要看每个单词是不是认识。 第一步:看结构,译主干。 第二步,找关系,加修饰。 第一点要先做,自己模考的过程;第二点是改,自我修改,不要先看译文。可以查词典,可以翻翻语法工具书,分析英语句子的关系,可以提升自己的语法能力,改这个过程才是真正能够提升大家英语基本功的过程;第三步就是对答案,看看参考译文和自己的翻译是否相同,看看参考答案的修饰关系是怎么安排的。第四步就是记,记忆这句话中的核心单词,动词和主干上的名词,词组。不懂的一定要查一下,确定短语的意思;重新看一下句子之间的关系。如果能记住这些修饰关系,明年的翻译就没有问题了。如果这个过程全部弄懂了,那么阅读理解也就不会是问题了。
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