
牛津初中英语9A Reading 1 2

03月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[李阳标准美语9a]李阳标准美语9a后元音 感叹祖国大好河山超级大嘴音 一、每日练嘴单词 1.想、想要 want 2.观看 watch 3.车库 garage 4.工作 job 5.停止 stop 6.流行的 popular 7.不可能的 i...+阅读

Unit 3 Pets

I think that having a pet dog can change a person's life. Therefore, people should be allowed to have pet dogs. There are lots of reasons for this.

First, dogs are really cute. We have to feed them, train them and play with them. We even have to take care of them at night. According to my mum,t his helps us become more responsible people.

We can also learn about life and death from dogs. Young people can learn how to care for others and how to respect all living things by keeping a pet dog.

A dog will love you faithfully for many years. Keeping pet dogs is something everyone can enjoy.

In my opinion, it is never a good idea to keep a pet dog.

Pet dogs create a lot of mess. They leave fur and hair on the floor, on beds and on sofas, and they need to be washed regularly. Some people are not very good at cleaning up after their dogs when they take them for a walk. As a result, these dogs create a lot of mess on the streets and in parks.

We should remember that not all dogs are friendly. Some dogs bark at people they do not know. This can frighten young children. A few dogs bark all night. This stops their neighbours from getting any sleep. A small number of pet dogs even bite people.

What's more, most people in modern cities live in flats. They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small spaces. This may make the dogs feel extremely unhappy. They always need fresh air and large open spaces where they can run free.

Finally, paying for dog food and visiting the vet can be expensive.

I believe that people should not keep pet dogs.


主题单元整体教学是以主题为核心,以单元为备课的基本单位系统的设计教学,整体处理单元教学内容,落实知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观三维学习目标。 主题单元整体教学纵向以语言知识为主线,横向则以围绕主题的听说读写能力提高为依据,各课时之间有紧密的逻辑关系,各个课时任务的完成正好构成了一个单元任务,每一课时任务是单元任务的一个部分或一个环节。 “单元教学目标必须是通过该单元的四节课或五节课来实现的,而每节课的目标应该是体现层次,有所侧重。比如有的老师设计第一节课的教学就是要求学生能掌握该单元的词汇或句型,这样的课就不是特别现实 ” 因此,单元目标的落实是分布在不同的35分钟里,在不同的三十五分钟内以子目标为核心各有侧重,或以单词学习为主,或语法学习为主,或以语篇学习为主;或以听说能力培养为主,或以读写综合运用能力培养为目标。


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Dear Sigmund FriendI am a Grade 9student. 亲爱的朋友我叫西格蒙德,我是9年级的I have a problem andI want to know howto solve it 我有个问题想解决一下I have lots of hobbies.我有很多爱好I love reading,writing poems,walking and shopping. 我喜欢读书、写诗、散步和购物At the moment.Painting is myfavourite hobby 同时,绘画是我最喜欢的However,I have a lotof homework everyday. 但我每天有好多家庭作业要做I know it is veryimportant to workhard and hand in myhomework on time 我知道努力学习和按时交作业是多么重要的事but the problem isthat I spend so muchtime doing myhomework 但问题是我花费很多时间在我的作业上that I cannot findany time for myhobbies 我不能为我的爱好抽出任何时间I really feel bad about that I need to do myhomework but I alsolike my hobbies.我觉得很糟糕,我需要做作业但我同时也喜欢我的爱好Very often,I justcannot decide whento do my homework 我经常不能决定什么时候开始做作业and when to spend time on my hobbies. 和什么时候把时间花费在我的爱好上Should I focus on myhomework and give upmy hobbies? 我应该专注于作业而放弃业余爱好呢This problem has mademe very unhappy.这个问题使我很不高兴。

Can you please teachme how to achieve abalance between the two你能否教我如何在两者之间获得平衡I hope to hear from you soon.Best wishes millie我希望能尽快收到你的回信。最美好的祝愿--米莉Dear Sigmund Friend My name is Simon. I am a Grade 9students and I am crazy about football.亲爱的朋友,我叫西格蒙德。我是一个初三的学生,我是个足球迷。I love watching football,reading about football, and of course,playing football我最喜欢看足球,阅读有关足球,当然,还有踢足球However,my love offootball has becomea big problem now.然而,我对足球的热爱已成为一个大问题了I'd like your advice.I always playfootball with my friends at school or in the park after school.我想听听你的意见。我总是和我的朋友在放学后一起踢足球在学校或在公园。We like staying out late to play football我们喜欢在外边呆得很晚踢足球Very often,we play for three hours andwe just forget when to stop.通常,我们玩了三个小时,却忘记了什么时候结束。

My parents don't liket his and ask me to come home before 6p.m.我的父母不喜欢我这样,他们要求我6点之前回家。I really don't understand why they are so strict.我真的不明白他们为什么对我如此严厉I feel stressed and angry from time to time.我偶尔感到既紧张又生气。I believe it isimportant for us to spend some time on our hobbies.我相信对于我们来说是重要的花些时间在我们的爱好。This can help us relax and make our lives colourful.这能帮助我们放松,让我们的生活丰富多彩。I wish I could have my parents' support.我希望我能有我的父母的支持。Is it bad to stay out late to play football? 在外面踢足球晚了是坏事吗?School I spend less time on it? I really don't know what to do.学校,要让我花更少的时间吗?我真的不知道该怎么做。Can you offer me some suggestions?你能给我一些建议吗?They would be most valuable.Thanks a lot.他们会更有价值。

非常感谢。Best wishes Simon 西蒙祝愿一切都好~


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