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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

一. 教学内容:


二. 重点、难点:


1. Birthday and birth place

2. Family background

3. Education

4. Big events in his or her life ( in order of time )

5. Evaluation


1. Birthday and birth place ——was / were born on…in… ,

2. Family background ——

1) a poor / rich family

2) his (her) family was so poor that……,

3) with the help of his parents ,

4) his father was very strict with him……,

5) the son of a poor family ,

6) when he was a small boy ,

7) as a child ,

8) during his (her) childhood ,

9) spend his childhood in……,

10) live a happy (hard ) life ,

11) a boy of 15

3. Education——

1) graduate from……department of ……university ,

2) When at college , he majored in……,

3) receive a doctor’s degree .

4) get higher education

5) go abroad for further studies

4. Big events in his life——

1) be interested in … , 2) work hard at … , 3) devote his lifetime to … , 4) do research about / into … 5) make a big decision . make up one’s mind to do sth. 6) do sth with great determination and perseverance . 7) be fond of… , 8) be strict in sth. 9) he a … way of doing sth. 10) try one’s best to do sth. 11) encourage sb to do sth. 12) fight for , give up one’s life for sb / sth. 13) win a prize in … petition . 14) be good at . 15) make rapid progress in … , 16) set a new world record of … 17) bee a member of … 18) study hard . train hard . 19) win a gold medal . 20) work so hard as to improve… 21) he a gift for…

5. Evaluation——

1) one of the best (most important) … 2) set sb a good example . 3) a model teacher . 4) be respected by everyone . 5) sing high praise for… speak (think) highly of… 6) his hard work brought him great success . 7) his heroic story spread all over the city . 8) remember sb forever . 9) be honored as … 10) be famous as … , 11) be regarded as … , 12) bee a world champion at … Championships . 13) He became famous for his new theory . 14) The people had e to love him as an inspiring leader . 15) Lei Feng has been praised for his munist spirit . 16) People spoke highly of him and all respected him .

6. 高考中描写人常用表达方式


She was born in Poland on Nov. 7 , 1867 .


a great scientist with the name Einstein


Abraham Lincoln , the son of a poor family , was born in Kentucky on February 12 , 1809 .


Born of a poor clerk’s family . Charles Dickens had little schooling .



good - looking (长得好看的) funny - looking (长相滑稽的)

ugly - looking (长得难看的) ordinary looking (长相一般的)

white - haired (白头发的) warm - hearted (热心肠的)

kind - hearted(好心的) absent - minded (心不在焉的)

bad - tempered (脾气不好的) near - sighted (近视眼的)

far - sighted (远视的) tall (个高的)

short (个矮的) pretty (漂亮的)

naughty (淘气的) lovely (可爱的)

easy - going (温和宽容的) smart (精明的)

wise (明智的) bright (聪明的)

diligent (勤奋的) lazy (懒惰的)

clever (聪明的) healthy (健康的)

humorous (幽默的) funny (滑稽的)

silent (沉默的) attractive (有吸引力的)

talkative (多话的)


like … very much (非常喜欢…) love (喜爱)

be interested in (对…感兴趣)

be fond of (喜欢…)

hate (憎恨)

be tired of (对…厌倦)

be crazy about (对…极度喜欢)

enjoy (喜欢…)

lose interest in (对…失去兴趣)


sad (难过的) happy (高兴的)

excited (兴奋的) pleased (高兴的)

satisfied (满意的) angry (生气的)

worried (担心的) disappointed (失望的)

terrified (恐惧的) friendly (友好的)

anxious (焦虑的) curious (好奇的)

eager (急切的)


1. 说明:


1)简况:孙淑伟(Sun Shuwei):男,14岁,广东人(Guangdong)


3)取得成绩:第十一届亚运会冠军,第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军(亚运会:the Asia Games 冠军:Champion 游泳锦标赛:Swimming Championships)






2. 题解:

这是一篇人物报道,根据所提供的材料组织文章。首先应确定标题。如:Sun Shuwei - A World Champion in Diving . 其次应介绍人物的姓名、性别、年龄、籍贯,随后介绍他的成长过程,最后介绍他取得的成就。

3. 91高考书面表达范文:

Sun Shuwei - A World Champion in Diving

Sun Shuwei , a world champion in diving , is a boy of 14 from Guangdong . He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province . He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team . A year later in 1990 , he won a gold medal at the 11th Asia Games and became a world champion at the 6th world Swimming Championships early this years .


1. 请根据以下材料,写一篇介绍我国明代(Ming Dynasty)医学家(medical scientist)李时珍的文章。




内容:中草药(Chinese herbs)总集,近2,000种中草药,上百万字(characters)


(call on , visit , taste , do experiments)


评价:对我国医学(medicine)发展作出了重大贡献(make a contribution to)

2. 有一个美国代表团想了解你们的英语老师,请根据下列提要,写一篇短文。内容提要如下:









3. 根据下列内容,用英语写一篇介绍世界童话作家安徒生(Hans Christian Anderson)的短文。词数120左右。

他生于1805年。十一岁丧父。由于家庭贫穷,童年时期没能上学,他跟人学习缝纫技术。十四岁时到一剧院工作。后来在一些热心人家的帮助下上了学。1828年接受高等教育(higher education)。毕业后献身于文学(literature)。他坚持写小说,诗歌等。他努力创作,获得很大成功。他一生共创作一百六十多个故事。1875年去世。


1. 介绍李时珍

Li Shizhen was a famous medical scientist in Ming Dynasty . He was born in 1518 . He wrote a famous book “Ben Cao Gang Mu” , which is a collection of Chinese herbs . It included 2000 Chinese herbs with millions of characters . He visited mountains , called on ordinary people , tasted different kinds of herbs and even did experiments on himself . It took him 37 years to finish the book . The book is considered to be a great contribution to the development of Chinese medicine .

2. 介绍Bruce

Our English Teacher - Bruce

Bruce , our English teacher , is from England and is about 40 years old . He is tall and thin with a pair of glasses on his nose . He is strict with us in our study . He prepares his lessons well and corrects our homework carefully . His teaching style is quite different from that of the others . In class he always encourages us to think hard and develop our ability to study on our own . He often helps and cares for us . He is very kind to us . In his spare time he plays basketball and football with us . We all love and respect him .

3. 介绍Anderson

Anderson was born in 1805 . His father died when he was only eleven . Being poor , the family couldn’t send him to school . He had to go and learn sewing to make a living . At the age of fourteen , he went to work at a theatre . Later , with the help of some kind people , Anderson had the chance to go to school . In 1828 , he began his college life . After graduation he began to work on literature . He kept on writing stories and poems . His hard work brought him great success . He died in 1875 , leing the world more than 160 stories .



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