

03月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[自主招生个人陈述怎么写]去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:在行传媒 自主招生个人陈述范文 北京大学自主招生个人陈述范文我是一个自小受传统文化熏陶的男孩子,很喜欢看诸子百家的书。犹记得小时候看...+阅读

你这文章还可以,我翻完之后你要给我加分哦~~ 翻这种东西很辛苦的,而且文章还这么长

four years in technical secondary school is a turning point in my life. in 2004 i was enrolled in xxx school with excellent grades,where i constantly challenge and enrich myself for four years ,lying a fundation for my career.the last few monthes in the school i engaged in social practice. the first job i got is Operator .during my work i have a further understanding about interpersonal relation,which did not make me content. on the contary, i feel not enough about my knowledges and have a desire to improve it. previously i am not a harkworking person,but now i want to go back to school and change myself throughly . although i am not aware of the importance of study, but i am very responsible.what i mean is i will do what my teacher instructs. i deem responsiblity is a virtue of people and have connection with honesty-responsible for what i have said and others.

after having a learning about xxx institute , i firmly believe this institute will make me a elite with comprenhensive ability,enabling me to make contributions after going back my country,while in the institue i will enrich my capability and try to be calm.



In school, I served as a member of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union, and actively participated in various activities. I also often help school activities. On one occasion, I have to pull the sponsorship of a mineral water. In the hot summer I have taken a full six Street, and students but I did not give up and eventually completed the task. In college, I have been a lot of tasks, a profound sense of responsibility to know the important. Also profoundly aware that, as long as the effort to do something, we will certainly be a corresponding return.



looking for the position of stock broker in a well known and reputed trading company.


keep up with margin delinquencies, record items, work short option report.

handled margin accounts.

follow up on leads from potential customers.

execute other projects/duties as assigned.

educate customers to working of the market by enabling internet access.

sun rise investors, brooksville, florida

stockbroker trainee, xx - xx

advised properly to private clients, by direct contact, phone and reviewed letter.

bought and sold for clients.

made research and find information about the market in domestic and foreign equities, government stocks and securities.

managed and reviewed portfolio.

according to the information provided by analyst made recommendations on buying and selling stocks.

underwrote new issues in larger firms.


high school diploma (1998)


I am an out going and active person an,I have good people management and communication skills and have the main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health,and I am Willing to learn and progress and have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision


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