
六级阅读Speed Reading实战练习6

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com



Passage One:

1. Y

2. N

3. NG

4. N

5. guaranteed

6. Inter access

7. two customer satisfaction programs / a customer hotline and a customer call-back program

8. higher prices of their pizzas

9. reckless driving by their drivers

10. the same

Passage Two:

1. (N)

2. (N)

3. (Y)

4. (NG)

5. (in different settings)

6. (what the child is going through)

7. (recruit young adults)

8. (social inequality)

9. (pletely sterile or homosexual individuals)

10. (secret)

Passage Three:

1. (N)

2. (Y)

3. (N)

4. (N)

5. (use them / capitalize on them / be curious enough to capitalize on them)

6. (responsible enough

to own a firearm )

7. (more, than)

8. (prevalent across the schools / mon in schools)

9. (be shot / be victimized)

10. (hunting)

Passage Four:

1. (Y)

2. (NG)

3. (N)

4. (Y)

5. (hydrogen)

6. (the gritational forces)

7. (black band)

8. (the same)

9. (dwarf pla)

10. (size / disproportionately small size)

Passage Five:

1. (N)

2. (N)

3. (N)

4. (Y)

5. (fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins)

6. (vitamin A)

7. (fracture / breaking their bones)

8. (sunlight / sunlight exposure / exposing to sunlight)

9. (toxins)

10. (plant and animal tissues involved in metabolism / liver, yeast and dairy products)



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