

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[病假的请假条怎么写]1、尊敬的xx老师(或其他): 我系政法学院xx级 xx 专业2班的 xx ,因xx ,需要 请假 (多久) ,时间 至 ,离校期间一切安全责任自负,望批准! 此致 敬礼 请假人: 年 月 日 2、尊敬的xx老师(或其...+阅读

Sick leave

Dear teacher,

I am sorry to trouble you.But I get a serious stomachache and cannot go to school today. Would you give me the chance to stay at home and have some rest for a while?I wii come back to school tomorrow. I appreciate your kindness and consideration. Please permit my request.

your student,...


----------------------------请假条------------------------------ X老师您好:------------------------ 我今天因生病感冒较重,难以坚持到学校上课,故请病假一天,望予批准为谢。 --------------------------------------------此致------------------- -----------------------------------敬礼----------------------------- ------------------------------------------请假人:XXX--------------- ------------------------------------------XX年XX月XX日-------------- 补假,就写请假你没有来那天的日期。



Dear XXX Name:

I would like to request a day leave of absence for sickness.

I am XXXX and I am writing this letter to inform you that my daughter(son), XXX, studying in your class was diagnosed with flu,cold(感冒) and advised to take bed rest till he/she gets cured completely. I am fearing to send him/her to school as flu is a communicable disease.


I kindly request you to grant him/her leave till he gets completely cured and also to stay under continuous medical supervision to get quicker recovery. Thanks for considering my request. Thanking You,


Your Signature


谁会写请病假的请假条啊要详细的 ?Sick leave Dear teacher, I am sorry to trouble you.But I get a serious stomachache and cannot go to school today. Would you give me the chance to stay at home a...

假条病假怎么写学生学生假条怎么写呢? 一、学生请假条格式范文学生请假条尊敬的陈主任:您好!我是*****09级XX(专业名称)专业的XX(姓名)。因XXXX(请假理由)不能上X月X日的XX(课程名称)。特此请假。请批准。...


病假条怎么写请病假条怎么写执业医师知道如何写病假条。 劳动者请病假,应当由职工本人到用人单位指定的医疗机构,经执业医师检查后,需要停工治疗休养的,由执业医师出具病假条,职工持病假条按用人单位规定程...

病假假条怎么写Dear XXX Name: I would like to request a day leave of absence for sickness. I am XXXX and I am writing this letter to inform you that my daughter(son), XXX, stu...



英语病假条急To whom it may concern, I'm sorry to inform you that I've gotten a bad foot injury and I shall not be able to return to school until a few days later. Thank you...

三年级学生请假条怎么写如何写请假条格式怎样写请假条第三单元 学写请假条习作要求:你生病了,或有什么重要事不能上学,你准备怎样向老师请假呢?别急,本次习作就来教教你怎样写请假条。写时要注意按格式写,要把请假的原因写清楚,还要注...
