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[Java程序员转正自评高分求助]尊敬的单位领导: 我叫xxx,于xxxx年xx月xx日加入xxxx这个大家庭,成为一名试用员工,根据公司的需要, 担任JavaEE开发工程师一职,至今已近三个月了,目前负责xx项目组服务器端后台的开...+阅读

类似的教程很多,但是绝大多数都是英文。需要你有一定的英文基础。下面是一个简单的例子,你可以先练习试试看。1.3.18 Inertia welding simulation using Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/CAEProducts: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/CAE ObjectivesThis example demonstrates the following Abaqus features:thermal-mechanical coupling for inertia welding simulation,semi-automatic remeshing using Python scripting and output database scripting methods for extracting deformed configurations,defining a complex friction law in a user subroutine,flywheel loading through user subroutine definitions, andcombining and presenting results from a sequence of output database (.odb) files.Application descriptionThis example examines the inertia friction welding process of the pipes shown in Figure 1.3.18–1. The specific arrangement considered is the resulting as-welded configuration shown in Figure 1.3.18–2. In this weld process kinetic energy is converted rapidly to thermal energy at a frictional interface. The resulting rapid rise in interface temperature is exploited to produce high-quality welds. In this example the weld process is simulated, and the initial temperature rise and material plastic flow are observed. An important factor in the process design is control of the initial speed of the flywheel so that, when the flywheel stops, the temperature rises to just below the melting point, which in turn results in significant flow of material in the region of the weld joint. Understanding the friction, material properties, and heat transfer environment are important design aspects in an effective inertia welding process; therefore, simulation is a helpful tool in the process design.GeometryThe weld process in this example is shown in Figure 1.3.18–1, where two pipes are positioned for girth-weld joining. The two pipes are identical, each with a length of 21.0 mm, an inside radius of 42.0 mm, and an outside radius of 48.0 mm. The pipes are adjacent, touching each other initially at the intended weld interface.MaterialsThe pipes are made of Astroloy, a high-strength alloy used in gas turbine components. Figure 1.3.18–3 shows flow stress curves as a function of temperature and plastic strain rate. At temperatures relevant to the welding process, the material is highly sensitive to plastic strain rate and temperature. Specific heat is a function of temperature, as shown in Figure 1.3.18–4.Other material properties are defined as follows:Young's modulus:180,000 MPaPoisson's ratio:0.3Density:7.8 * 10–9 Mg/mm3Conductivity:14.7 W/m/C at 20C 28 W/m/C at 1200CInitial conditionsThe pipes are initially set at 20°C, representing room temperature. Boundary conditions and loadingA pressure of 360 MPa is applied to the top surface of the upper pipe. The initial rotational velocity of the flywheel is set at 48.17 rad/s, or 7.7 revolutions per second. The mass moment of inertia of the flywheel is 102,000 Mg mm2. InteractionsThe principal interaction occurs at the weld interface between the pipes; however, a secondary concern is the possibility of contact of weld flash with the side of the pipes. The weld-interface friction behavior is assumed to follow that described by Moal and Massoni (1995), where the ratio of shear stress to the prescribed pressure is observed to be a complex function of interface slip rate. The heat generation from the frictional sliding, combined with plastic deformation, contributes to the temperature rise in the pipes.Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniquesAbaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Standard are used together to affect the weld simulation in a way that permits extreme deformation of the pipes in the weld region. This process is automated through the use of Python scripts. Three cases are studied in this example.Summary of analysis casesCase 1Initial flywheel velocity = 48.17 rad/s. This case produces a successful weld.Case 2Initial flywheel velocity = 20.0 rad/s. This case illustrates an unsuccessful weld scenario; the flywheel has insufficient energy to begin the weld process.Case 3Initial flywheel velocity = 70.0 rad/s. This case illustrates an unsuccessful weld scenario; the flywheel has excessive energy, resulting in a temperature rise into the liquidus regime of the pipe material.The following sections discuss analysis considerations that are applicable to all the cases. Python scripts that generate the model databases and Abaqus/Standard input files are provided for Case 1, with instructions in the scripts for executing the Case 2 and Case 3 simulations.Analysis typesThe analysis is nonlinear, quasi-static with thermal-mechanical coupling. A fully coupled temperature-displacement ...


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