

12月01日 编辑 39baobao.com


如果杰洛米?科维尔(Jér?me Kerviel)想找个藏身之所的话,他可能会考虑中国。

If Jér?me Kerviel is looking for a place to lie low, he might consider China.

法国兴业银行(Société Générale)这位年轻的交易员一手炮制了投资银行历的欺诈案,一举震惊了全球市场。不过,上周五,在上海的几家证券营业部里,散户投资者们想得更多的,还是中国国内的问题。

The story of the young French trader at Société Générale blamed for the biggest fraud in investment banking history has stunned markets around the world, but in several brokerages in Shanghai on Friday individual investors had their minds on more home-grown concerns.


Indeed, many were unaware of the scandal at the French bank.


“I he heard about what is going on at Merrill and Citigroup but I do not know about this French guy,” said Li Chao, who spends his days trading shares at a Shanghai brokerage.


“Anyway, things are a little different in China from what happens in foreign markets.”


Just as in many other markets globally, this has been a gruelling week for Chinese investors, who he seen shares in Shanghai fall by 8.1 per cent, the biggest weekly decline since the late 1990s.


After a rise of nearly 100 per cent last year, such turmoil provoked nervous reactions among China’s swelling army of day traders, with some younger investors particularly rattled and wondering whether they should sell out pletely.


However, brokerages in China also attract a lot of older people, some of whom are glad to get in from the cold, and even on Tuesday – when the Shanghai market was falling 7.2 per cent – there were games of cards being played in one downtown trading room, and a handful of women knitting. “If you he been investing since the 1990s, you he seen these slumps several times and will not be scared away by this,” said Wang Jie, a retired engineer.


Yet, young and old are convinced about one thing. The key factor for Chinese shares now is not the subprime crisis or more rogue traders, they believe, but how the government responds.


Until recently, it had been an article of faith among many small investors that the authorities would generate a further boom in the run-up to the Olympics in August.


“Of course, the slowdown in the US is starting to affect China but we are all waiting to see what the government does next,” said Ying Jing, another regular trader.


Official figures released this week showed that only 43m of the more than 100m equity trading accounts actually owned any shares. Assuming that most investors he trading accounts at both the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, that lees about 20m people who he invested directly in stocks, on top of the millions who he put money into mutual funds.


Some analysts fear the government risks a strong political backlash if share prices collapse.


While China’s individual investors appear unconcerned about financial problems overseas, Chinese official media aimed a quiet dig at US and European difficulties.


“From the subprime crisis to the fraud of SocGen, the facts show that even in the highly advanced financial markets of western economies, risk management is still is an important issue,” Xinhua news agency said in a report on Friday.


“The system still has a long road to go before reaching the perfect state.“


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