

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[病情用英语怎么说]病情用英语怎么说state of an illness; patients condition有关病情用英语怎么说的例句1:孩子的病情有好转。The childs condition took a fourable turn.; The childs c...+阅读



unaware 英[ˌʌnəˈweə(r)] 美[ˌʌnəˈwer]

adj. 不知道的; 未察觉到的; 未认识到的; 不注意的;

adv. <;诗>;不知不觉地; 无意地; 意外地; 突然地;

[例句]Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume



看望用英语怎么说看望 : 1. (v) visit; pay a call to 2. look-in 3. look in 4. step across Examples: 1. 今天下午医生还会来看望的。 The doctor will look in again this afternoon. 2....

英语的学生用英语怎么说English-speaking students 讲英语的学生 双语例句 English-speaking students are also taught phonics, but phonics is particularly important for second-language lea...

1。适应 2。满足的需求英语词组怎么说适应 adap to 1。使自己的思想适应新情况 adapt one's thinking to the new conditions 2。我能快速适应新的发展。 I adapt quickly to new developments 满足···的需求...

突然用英语怎么说suddenly;sudden;abruptly ;abrupt;unexpected; 例: 突然这种黑暗变得非常可怕。 Suddenly this darkness became terrible. 意大利银行业高层变动非常突然。 Exits are sudd...

幸福用英语怎么说幸福: 1. happiness 2. blessed 3. happy Relative explainations:Examples: 1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来。 I wish you a very happy future. 2. 金钱买不来幸福。 Money can...

英语真好佩服请问用英语说聪明怎么说真不想抢别人的生意,但感觉差点味道。You are really good at English. Adorable!聪明: smart clever cute 比较常用smart 英 [smɑːt] 美 [smɑrt] adj. 聪明的;巧妙的;敏捷的;...

请用英语交流用英语怎么说翻译:Please communicate in English. 读法:【pliːz kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt ɪn 'iŋɡliʃ 】 学习英语的方法和技巧 1.上课时间一定要充分把握,思维跟着老师走。 2.坚持听磁带录...

你说什么用英语怎么说What did you say?你说什么。具体场景: 1、如果是两人去吃饭等场景,需要一人做出决定,如A:Would you like to eat Chinese food or Japanese food?B:it's up to you. (你做决定吧...

我可以从书中学到许多知识用英语怎么说我可以从书中学到许多知识,英语是:I can learn a lot of knowledge from books. 句子解释: learn 英[lɜ:n] 美[lɜ:rn] vt. 得知; 学习,学会; 习得; 记住; vt. 学习; 得知; 记住; 认识到...
