

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初三上学期英语冀教版]阅读技巧 1. 阅读前先看问题。 2. 阅读前先看标题,图片或者说明。先看第一段和最后一段在你阅读前,你可以估计出文章大意吗?(一般每段的第一句告诉你整段的大意) 3. 第一次阅读时...+阅读

你好: 很乐意帮助你!Lesson 9: How Does a PlantGrow?Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: plant,water, grow, leaf, cover, itself Oral words and expressions: seed, poster,bud, stem, sunshine, pot, soil, root Teaching Aims:1. Let the students love nature.2. Learn more about the agriculture.Teaching Important Points:1. Listen to the tape and catchthe key words.2. Talk about the purpose.Teaching Difficult Points:The main plants of the plants.Teaching Preparation: pictures of plants,seeds, flowers, markers Teaching Aids: audiotape; flashcards;pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:Step1. Bring a plant to the class. Ask thestudents:1. What is it?2. How does it grow?3. Have you ever planted a seed?4. How do you plant a seed?Teach the students the words: seed, soil,water, plant, grow, leaf. First let some students read the words in class. Thenask all the students to read after him.Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the followingquestions:1. Does Wang Mei need water?2. What grows into flowers?3. What does Wang Mei use thegreen markers for?4. What does “grow into” mean?Step3. Skim the text and check the answers.Help them if they need any help.Step4. Read the text loudly in class inroles.Step5. Listen to the tape again and repeatafter it.Step6. Let some students act the dialogueout.Step7. Come to “PROJECT”.Work in three or four students in a group. Each group should finishthe task. They need to plant a seed in a pot. They can plant any seed that helikes. After planting it, put it in sun. now we can observe it every day.When they are planting, the teacher walks around the class. Makesure all the students are speaking English. If they are in trouble, helpthem. The teacher can ask the questionslike this:What are you doing now?Have you watered your seeds?What do you cover with it?When will they sprout?Make sure that every group labels their pots with their names orgroup number (Example: Group 1). You may wish t have students also write thetype of seed and the date on the label.Every group makes a poster with pictures and words. Describe whattheir plants will be like. What do they do? Instruct the students to label eachpart of the plant in English. Have them label which parts of the plant areabove ground and which parts are below.Summary:Bring a real plant to the class. Point to the parts of the plant andask some questions. Because this unit is about the plant, we must finish theproject. Of course we can't finish it in a class. We can do it after class andcheck the homework in the next class.Lesson 10: Plant Parts Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: feed, fed,from…to… Oral words and expressions: sunlight,billion, billions of Teaching Aims:1. Learn to describe how a plantgrows.2. Learn about plant parts andwhat they use for.Teaching Important Points:1. Plant parts and what they areused for.2. Describe it in English.Teaching Difficult Points:Describe plant parts and what they are usedfor in English.Teaching Preparation: pictures, a plant Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:Step1. Bring a real plant to the class. Askthe following questions:1. How many parts do plants have?2. What do roots do?3. What is the stem for?4. What are leaves for?5. Why do plants have flowers?6. What parts do we eat?Let them answer the questions in English.If they have trouble, help them immediately.Step2. Listen to the tape and let thestudents complete the answers correctly.Step3. Read the text and check the answers.Step4. Practice Let the students take out the pictures theybring to the class. Work with partner. Talk about the main parts of a plant andthe main use of them. If they have difficulty, they can look at their book.Step5. Listen to the tape again and imitateafter it until they can read it fluently and correctly.Step6. Let some students read the text inclass. Find the mistakes and correct them.Step7. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Go on the next reading in thestudent book.Summary:Review the text is very important. Thestudents know what they will take to the class, what is useful to the study.Let them to observe the vegetables that we eat. What parts do we eat? What isit used for? Can they draw pictures of them?希望能帮到你


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