Electronic data processing
Electronic data processing (also: Information Technology or IT) can refer to the use of automated methods to process mercial data. Typically, this uses relatively simple, repetitive activities to process large volumes of similar information. For example: stock updates applied to an inventory, banking transactions applied to account and customer master files, booking and ticketing transactions to an airline's reservation system, billing for utility services.
The first mercial business puter was developed in the United Kingdom in 1951, by the Joe Lyons catering anisation. This was known as the 'Lyons Electronic Office' - or LEO for short. It was developed further and used widely during the 1960s and early 1970s. (Joe Lyons formed a separate pany to develop the LEO puters and this subsequently merged to form English Electric Leo Marconi and then International puters Ltd.)
Early mercial systems were installed exclusively by large anisations. These could afford to invest the time and capital necessary to purchase hardware, hire specialist staff to develop bespoke software and work through the consequent (and often unexpected) anisational and cultural changes.
At first, individual anisations developed their own software, including data management utilities, themselves. Different products might also he 'one-off' bespoke software. This fragmented approach led to duplicated effort and the production of management information needed manual effort.
High hardware costs and relatively slow processing speeds forced developers to use resources 'efficiently'. Data storage formats were heily pacted, for example. A mon example is the removal of the century from dates, which eventually lead to the 'millennium bug'.
Data input required intermediate processing via punched paper tape or card and separate input to puters, usually for overnight processing. Data required validation in batches. All of this was a repetitive, labour intensive task, removed from user control and error-prone. Invalid or incorrect data
needed correction and resubmission with consequences for data and account reconciliation.
Data storage was strictly serial on magic tape: the use of data storage within readily accessible memory was not cost-effective.
Results would be presented to users on paper. Enquiries were delayed by whatever turn round was ailable.
As with other industrial processes mercial IT has moved in all respects from a bespoke, craft-based industry where the product was tailored to fit the customer; to multi-use ponents taken off the shelf to find the best-fit in any situation. Mass-production has greatly reduced costs and IT is ailable to the smallest pany or one-man band - or school-kid.
LEO was hardware tailored for a single client. Today, Intel Pentium and patible chips are standard and bee parts of other ponents which are bined as needed. One individual change of note was the freeing of puters and removable storage from protected, air-filtered environments. Microsoft and IBM at various times he been influential enough to impose order on IT and the resultant standardisations allowed specialist software to flourish.
Software is ailable off the shelf: apart from Microsoft products such as Office, or Lotus, there are also specialist packages for payroll and personnel management, account maintenance and customer management, to name a few. These are highly specialised and intricate ponents of larger environments, but they rely upon mon conventions and interfaces.
Data storage has also standardised. Relational databases are developed by different suppliers to mon formats and conventions. mon file formats can be shared by large main-frames and desk-top personal puters, allowing online, realtime input and validation.
In parallel, software development has fragmented. There are still specialist technicians, but these increasingly use standardised methodologies where outes are predictable and accessible. At the other end of the scale, any office manager can dabble in spreadsheets or databases and obtain acceptable results (but there are risks).
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