
八年级英语书第12课karens hair stood up!翻译

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


It's near the end of this year, and many companies or units hold their annual meetings in this period. Most of the meetings are held in hotels or restaurants. But a terrible phenomenon has aroused much concern that is food waste. It's reported that after a banquet, the waste of ort reaches to 40 percent which is a huge waste. Even worse, the dishes are often very expensive. Some waiters say a table leftovers is their one week wages or more. On the contrary, we should be noticed that in many places in China or in the world, there are many people never have a full meal. The food we waste is the feast they can't expect. Are you hurt by the both two extreme? I think you are or you should be. On the one hand, the leftovers cost much money and labor but they do not be treasured. On the other hand, some people struggle their whole life and never get a full meal. I hope people can pay more attention to food waste and remind of ourselves every day that do not waste any food.快到年终,许多公司和单位都在这个时候举行年会,而大多数年会都被放到酒店或饭店进行。




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