
根据下面的内容写一篇介绍bill gates的英语文章

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

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Bill Gates Bill Gates is a famous people in the world. He is the richest man in the world. He has been the richest man for more than ten years. That's a great number. Bill Gates was born on 28th October, 1955. He was born in Seattle. When he was young, he was very clever and like science and math very much, and wanted to be a scientist. He lived there with his two sisters, his father and his mother who was dead. His father was a lawyer in Seattle. His dead mother, Mary Gates is a teacher in a middle school. When he was small, he studied in a middle school named Hubin Middle School, at there he found that he loved computer very much. At 1973, he could study in a great university in the USA. He made friend with Paul Allen, and they were the founder of the Microsoft. They made this company at 1975, and Bill Gates won't study in the university from that time. Bill Gates made the computer became more and more light, small and useful. At 1994, Bill Gates was married was a woman. And give birth to three children. Bill Gates loves these three children very much. But he thought than he won't give his money to them because he wanted them to live by themselves. Bill Gates will give his money to the poor people. At 1999, Bill Gates wrote a book named Businessthe Speed of Thought ,that was very famous at that time. This book told us how the computer can let our life to be better and better. Sixty countries sole this book and changed this book into twenty-five languages. And many bookstores bought this book and sole it out. Bill Gates likes reading books and play golf very much. This is Bill Gates.


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