

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我学到大家的日语1第二十五课了有几个语法不懂请大家帮忙解释]你要求的很合理,语法解释越简单越好。 试解: 1、只要词尾有“たら”,基本是将来完成时,表示假设,意思是“如果.....就” 例:あした雨が降ったら,试合は延期する/如果明天下雨,比赛暂...+阅读

1中,didnothave是指这个学校的一般情况,所以只是和现在相反,用didnot;而后面是表示,我已经来了这个学校,wouldnothave表示和have相反的虚拟,所以是对的。2中,正确的是,Alifewhichislivedwithout...这里的lived,表示的是人们所生活的生活,由于life是一个无生命的词语,所以这里用了一个被动来表主动3中句子本身就有问题。由逗号连接的句子,必须有连词来连接,而这里的逗号前后,都是一个独句,所以错误。hadgone是对的,因为从后面的事态看,这里表达的是过去的事情。火车是先走,人才可以走路回去,所以是过去的过去,就用过去完成时。4中我个人选B,我觉得分析后面的句子,Ididnotknowhe() t..until的结构,又加上did


这个这么翻译为英语的求英语高手帮忙谢谢了Summary: in the new period of 21st century, with the development of internet technology and universal of the computer, the online chasing &booking and taking tr...

谢谢帮忙翻译下大学英语精读第四册1The first unit 1. We have been informed that the Minister of Finance will be the next day we met. 2. I find it very strange that he did not seem to remember the...


英语单词有几个音节您好,这几个单词的音节是: 1)con.tem.po.ra.ry(5个音节,但在实际发音时,porary 会去掉 o,用 prary) 2)de.le.ga.tion(4个音节) 3)ad.just(2个音节) 4)base(1个音节) 5)child.hood...

帮忙翻译几个有关商务英语的句子谢谢了1.They have been urging us to open the letter of credit about 2000 dozens of pencils recently. 2.Delivery date closes on day by day, please apply to open the le...

英语:notebook有几个音节?怎么分这不是但音节单词,不谈是开还是闭。 节:音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅...

关于求职的英语请帮忙翻译几个词谢谢:1. Position: Technician Report to: Chief Engineer 2. Position: Sales Person Report to: Sales Manager 3. Position: Sales Supervisor Report to: Marketing Manager...

15道中职生英语翻译题大家帮帮忙做一下谢谢1. happen; happen on2. occur to you3. It takes a turn for a better situation.4. They offered a lot of food to us.5. What you have done is far from good enough.6...

bec英语口语1分钟请大家帮忙看看谢谢!When choosing a meal with an important client,the first thing we should consider is price.Because price has a direct impact on the company's overheads.If the pr...
