

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[八年级英语下册unit3 3b]Yesterday,when I was on my way to school,I saw a transportation accident in front of a supermaket.The man was driving his motorbike on the street,he was a littl...+阅读

Dear mother,

I got my report card today.My math teacher said that I was hard working.My Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking.My history is not so good.The teacher said I should do better.My science teacher said i was a lazy student.I'll have to try harder aat science.




仁爱英语八年级下40页3Last summer holiday,I went camping in a mountainous village.We had a wonderful time there.Talking with the farmers there,we learned a lot. One day,when we ran a...

九年级英语第6页3bI know it isn't easy to learn English well, but I have some ideas that may help. You said you couldn't understand people who talked fast. Well, you can try to l...

八年级下册英语名师测控第23页短文怎么写参考答案一: While He Yan was at the doctor's.I was going to the class.While He Yan was having English class,I was having a test.While she was having lunch with h...

八年级下册轻轻松松学英语冀教版17页作文Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to hutiaoxia by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flo...

八年级下册英语A There is an old song called Whatever Will Be ,Will Be. It sings like this: When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother what I will be. Will I be pretty?...

八年级英语下册1. dream house in Georgia for those people who is sick or homeless. 2. she wanted to give a warm house to those sick and homeless children. 3. she became a nurs...

七年级下册英语41页课文内容仁爱版八年级英语上册词汇及短语汇总(完整版) Unit 1 Topic 1 almost 几乎 cheer 欢呼 club 俱乐部 volleyball 排球 dream 梦, grow 成长 leave 离开 shame 羞愧,遗憾,耻辱 base...

八年级下册英语学法大视野第七单元作文76页With the functions of inserting, deleting, moving and copying, it enables us to edit test, browse web page and download what we want. It can even bring us a flo...

人教版八年级下册语文课本的古诗词有哪些1.《》(其二) 汉末 亭亭山上松,瑟瑟谷中风。 风声一何盛,松枝一何劲! 冰霜正惨凄,终岁常端正。 岂不罹凝寒,松柏有本性! 2.《》 王勃 唐初城阙(què)辅,风烟望五津。 与君离别意,同是宦...
