

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


The English chunxiao su causeway

Now we walk in the su causeway. Here is the southern tip of the su causeway, we followed the causeway to north all the way, the entire 2. 8 kilometers. Please you listen to me to visit the introduction. The causeway in AD 1090 start work, only with half an year time is completed. The su causeway six bridge across the hongqiao, respectively is east PuQiao, dam bridge, hope ShanQiao pressure, lock Lan bridge, reflected wave bridge. Each group members, now I flash came to the su causeway sixth bridge-through hongqiao. We have su causeway from southern covered 2. 8 km came to the north. The su causeway like long rainbow lie wave, covered the bridge, as if the long rainbow across. If every summer, you can see "the day's infinite, mirror, lotus lotus another red" scene. However, more beautiful spring is su causeway. Front introduced above, the su causeway TeDuo peach trees, willow, they are playing the messenger, take the lead in telling people the coming of spring. So, the yuan dynasty landscape names "six bridge YanLiu", "long rainbow across lake" to finally still let is located in "the su causeway chunxiao is between the cut. Each group members, "the su causeway chunxiao visit to the temporary against paragraphs. Wish all my heart has a forever spring! Thank you!


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