

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 20 She Is Beautifu]::原文:: John: Wow! Who is that lady next to Bob? She's pretty. Tina: Do you really think so? John: Sure.Look at her lovely blond hair and blue eyes. Tina: You'...+阅读

出生地:广西永淳县 出生: 1948年8月24日 学历: 美国明尼苏达大学英语教学、大众传播硕士 美国明尼苏达大学大众传播博士研究 台湾《常春藤解析英语杂志》及《常春藤生活英语》杂志社社长、大连外国语学院客座教授、长春市市民外语工程名誉顾问 经历:

一、 台湾大学联考英文只考了7分,后发愤苦读,托福考满分,全奖学金赴美深造。曾任台湾各大学英文 教授。在台湾教授托福考试课程多年。


三、曾任台湾的汉声、中广、警广、复兴、飞碟、NEWS98、宝岛、环宇、每日、凯旋、兰潭、教育、西 瀛、澎湖、长荣、复兴岗、淡江、台东等广播电台教学节目主播。

四、1993年至今,在中央人民广播电台主持播讲英语教学节目12年,是中央电台外语教学节目主播时间 最长、播出节目最多、最受欢迎的主持人。已播出的节目有《初级美国英语教程入门篇》、《初级美国 英语教程》、《中级美国英语教程》、《高级美国英语教程》、《赖世雄教你轻松说英语》、《赖世雄教你唱 歌学英语》、《赖世雄教你英语语法》、《赖世雄讲英语》等。正在中央电台二套“经济之声”每周



五、在中央人民广播电台安排下,多次赴各大城市演讲,推广英语教育,鼓舞上亿听众朋友学习英语。其 中八岁的大连市小朋友王馨颖,原本未曾接触过英文,跟赖老师广播英语教学节目学了七个半月后, 获得团中央举办的“全国青少年英语口语大赛”第一名。长春市十三岁的初二学生郑阳,学了两年赖 世雄的初级美国英语教程,也于2003年7月得到了北京大学举办的“全国英语口语大赛”青少年组 吉林省赛区第一名。

六、2003年1月8日赖老师应邀至北京王府井外文书店讲座,早上九点的讲座不到七点门外就已大排人龙, 盛况空前。一场容纳不到一千人的赖老师讲座,现场竟涌入了2000多名群众!惊动110前来维持秩 序序,有人清晨就来排队仍没座位,却也情愿站着听,主办单位更不得不临时于当天下午安排一场现 场录像转播,《北京晨报》隔日以头条刊出报导。...


·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 3 My Family 我的家::原文:: My father is a teacher. He works during the day. My mother is a nurse. She works at night. They only see each other on the weekends. My brothers,my sis...

·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 11 My Foreign Clas::原文:: There are several foreign students in my class.John is American.He's from the United States.Laura is Spanish.She's from Spain. Chen and Huang are Chine...

·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 29 Poor Dick可怜的::原文:: There are holes in Dick's shoes.He needs new shoes.Dick doesn't want cheap shoes. He wants expensive shoes,but he doesn't he any money.He needs a job.H...

·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 31 Poor Amy 可怜的::原文:: Amy can't pay this month's rent.She needs some help.Unfortunately,none of her friends can help her.They don't he any money,either.Poor Amy is really de...

·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 25 My Father 我的::原文:: My father does the same thing every morning.He gets up at six o'clock.He washes, brushes his teeth and bs his hair.Then,he puts on his clothes and eats...

·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 28 I Always Walk::原文:: Chris: How do you go to school,Judy? Judy : I usually take a bus,but sometimes I ride my bicycle.What about you? Chris: I live near our school,so I alw...

·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 7 Tony and Tina 托::原文:: Tony and Tina are very different.Tony likes music.Tina doesn't.Tony is an athlete. Tina isn't. On the other hand,Tina likes movies,but Tony doesn't.She...

·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 17 My Hometown 我::原文:: My hometown is not very modern,but it's beautiful.There is a big park in the center of my hometown.There is also a swimming pool there.It is next to th...

·赖世雄初级美国英语教程 Lesson 26 He Usually Play::原文:: Jeff : What do you usually do on Sundays? Betty: I usually go for a walk in the mountains. Jeff : Does your husband go with you? Betty: No.He doesn't....
