

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[八年级下册英语听力材料翻译 1 9单元的]满意回答2013-02-25 03:41 第一单元A1B 你认为在一百年后人们家里将有机器人吗? 是的,我认为,我在电视上看见机器人打扫厨房。 我认为人们将不会使用钱。 你认为任何东西都是免...+阅读

本单元词组很多:give out/hand out 分发,发放 clean up 彻底打扫 cheer up 使某人高兴

come up with 想起,提出 put off doing sth 推迟做某事 used to 过去常常做某事 give up doing sth 放弃做某事 learn more about sth 更多的了解 a strong feeling of satisfaction 强烈的满足感 try out 试用 参加...选拔 make it possible for someone to do sth 使得某人有可能做某事 at the same time 同时 raise money 筹集资金 call up给... 打电话 give away 赠给 捐赠 be similar to 与...相似 run out of 用完 耗尽 fix up 修理 set up 成立,建立


八年级下册英语第四单元听力材料翻译A 1b Girl 1:What did Marcia say? 马西娅说什么了? Girl 2:She said she was having a surprise party for Lana On Friday night. 她说周五晚上她要参加一个为兰娜准备的惊...

人教版八年级下册英语6单元总结Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 1. how long 多长,多久 2. a skating marathon 滑冰马拉松 3. a pair of 一双,一副,一把,一条 4. raise money (for charity...

新目标英语八年级下册第二单元所有短语!八年级下 Unit 2 argued with sb. 与某人生气 have an argument with sb.与某人生气 out of style 不时髦的 in style 时髦的 keep out 不让……进入 call sb. up 打电话给...

英语八年级下册第二单元重点短语句子Unit 2 too loud太大声 argue with和…..争吵 out of style过时的 in style 流行的 call sb up 给…..打电话 enough money足够的钱 busy enough 够忙7a686964616fe4b893e5b...


七八年级重点英语词组(一)加-ingenjoy / like doing sth 喜欢做---- spend....(in) doing sth 在做---花费--- try doing 试着做------ be busy doing sth 忙于做------finish doing sth 完成做---...

九年级上册英语第二单元词组答案是: 第二单元的主要词组有: put on (weight)增加体重 in two weeks 两周之后 sound like 听起来像 be similar to 与...相似 each other 互相 in the shape of 呈...的形...

新课标八年级下册一单元英语单词表will robot everything paper pollution tree building astronaut rocket apsce fly took moon fall fell alone pet parrot probably suit able dress casually which even...

谁有八年级英语词组大全人教版八年级英语(下)Unit2 重点词组 1.argue with, argue about 2.out of style, in style 3.write him a letter 4.call…up 5.a ticket to a ball game 6.talk about 7.on...
