

11月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关爱残疾人的高中英语作文]关爱残疾人Taking care of the disabled people Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as...+阅读

AP Additional premium 附加保险费

approx. approximately 近似,约计

APS Arrival pilot station 到达引航站

A/R all risks (insurance) 一切险

Arr arrival 到达(到港)

Arrd. Arrived 已到达

A/s after sight 见票后付款(汇票)

A/S alongside 在旁(船边)

ASAP as soon as possible 尽快

ASBA Association of Shipbrokers and Agents,Inc. (美国)船舶经纪人和代理人协会

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码

ASPS Arrival Sea Pilot Station 到达海区引航站

ASS associate 合伙人

ATA actual time of arrival 实际到达时间

ATD actual time of departure 实际离开时间

ATDNSHINC Any time,day,night,Sundays and holidays included 包括任何时间,白天,夜间,星期天和节假日

ATP Agreement for the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs 易腐食品国际运输公约

ATS All time sed 所有节省时间

ATSBE All time sed both ends 所有两港节省时间

ATSDO All time ded discharging only 所有卸货港节省时间

ATSLO All time sed lading only 所有装货港节省时间

Atty attorney 代理人,律师

auth authorized 授权的,许可的

Aux Auxiliary 辅助的,附件

erage 平均

AWB Air Waybill 空运单

AWTS All working time sed 所有节省的工作时间

AWTSBE All working time sed both ends 所有两港节省的工作时间

AWTSDO All working time sed discharging only 所有卸货港节省的工作时间

AWTSLO All working time sed loading only 所有装货港节省的工作时间

AP Additional premium 附加保险费

approx. approximately 近似,约计

APS Arrival pilot station 到达引航站

A/R all risks (insurance) 一切险

Arr arrival 到达(到港)

Arrd. Arrived 已到达

A/s after sight 见票后付款(汇票)

A/S alongside 在旁(船边)

ASAP as soon as possible 尽快

ASBA Association of Shipbrokers and Agents,Inc. (美国)船舶经纪人和代理人协会

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码

ASPS Arrival Sea Pilot Station 到达海区引航站

ASS associate 合伙人

ATA actual time of arrival 实际到达时间

ATD actual time of departure 实际离开时间

ATDNSHINC Any time,day,night,Sundays and holidays included 包括任何时间,白天,夜间,星期天和节假日

ATP Agreement for the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs 易腐食品国际运输公约

ATS All time sed 所有节省时间

ATSBE All time sed both ends 所有两港节省时间

ATSDO All time ded discharging only 所有卸货港节省时间

ATSLO All time sed lading only 所有装货港节省时间

Atty attorney 代理人,律师

auth authorized 授权的,许可的

Aux Auxiliary 辅助的,附件

erage 平均

AWB Air Waybill 空运单

AWTS All working time sed 所有节省的工作时间

AWTSBE All working time sed both ends 所有两港节省的工作时间

AWTSDO All working time sed discharging only 所有卸货港节省的工作时间

AWTSLO All working time sed loading only 所有装货港节省的工作时间

AA always afloat 始终保持浮泊

a.a.r. against all risks 保一切险

AC account current 往来账户

A/C for account of 为…代销

Acc. Acceptance; accepted 接受

ACCDG According to 根据

ACCT Account 账,因为

ACOL After pletion of lading 装货结束后

a.d. a/d After date 在指定日期后

ADD Address mission 回扣佣金

Add-on …tariff(also proportional rate or arbitrary[in USA]) 费率(美国对非基本港口附加费)

Ad val.(a/v) ad valorem (according to value) 从价

AND European Provisions concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway 内河危险品国际运输欧洲规则

ADP Automated data processing 自动数据处理

ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road 公路危险货物运输欧洲协定

ADV Advise 告知

AETR European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport 从事国际公路运输车辆从业人员工作的欧洲协定

AFRA erage freight rate assessment 平均运费指数

AFLWS As follows 如下

Agcy agency 代理公司

Agt agent 代理人

AGW All goes weight 一切顺利

a.g.w.t. actual gross weight 实际毛重(总重)

AHPS Arrival harbor pilot station 到达港口引航站

AIMS American Institute of Merchant Shipping 美国商船航运学会

AMT Air Mail Transfer 航空信汇

ANCH Anchorage 锚地

ANS Answer 回答

A.O. account of ………账上

AOH After office hours 工作时间外

A/or and/or 及/或者

A/P account paid 账目付讫


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