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[掌握常见的10种错误为你的托福写作提分]1、Challenge(1)Challenge sb to do sth .向...挑战,邀请...比赛They challenge us to a swimming contest.(2)to give (accept) a challenge ( 接受 ) 挑战2、Share(1)...+阅读

Section One: Listening prehension

1. (A) He has just recovered from the flu.

(B) He won't be able to go to the play.

(C) He heard that the play isn't very good.

(D) He has already seen the play.

2. (A) Share the place he's renting.

(B) Avoid living near the campus.

(C) Apply for campus housing.

(D) Find an apartment soon.

3. (A) He wants to meet the woman after his Spanish class.

(B) The woman should borrow someone else's workbook.

(C) He can take the woman to her class.

(D) The woman needs to return the workbook before the class.

4. (A) She didn't know Dr. Turner's lecture would be so interesting.

(B) She didn't expect to he a quiz today.

(C) Dr. Turner often gives quizzes.

(D) The man should he prepared for the class.

5. (A) There are different kinds of folders.

(B) This decision requires careful thought.

(C) It doesn't matter which color she uses.

(D) The color should suggest the content.

6. (A) She prepares her students well.

(B) She used to teach graduate courses.

(C) She isn't qualified to teach anic chemistry.

(D) Her students rarely attend graduate school.

7. (A) He decided not to sell the piano.

(B) He's looking for a place to store the piano.

(C) No one has bought the piano.

(D) He hasn't been able to find an inexpensive piano yet.

8. (A) Tennis players often injure their backs.

(B) She hadn't heard about the man's problem.

(C) The man should he seen the doctor.

(D) She'll check the man's schedule as soon as possible.

9. (A) He already knew about the problem.

(B) Someone has started fixing the washing machine.

(C) No one plained about the washing machine today.

(D) There's nothing wrong with the washing machine.

10. (A) It won't take long to get to the station.

(B) It'll be easy for him to give the woman a ride to the station.

(C) He'll ride on the train with the woman.

(D) He's picking someone up from the station.

11. (A) I'll out an application from.

(B) Apply for a different position.

(C) File the papers in the cabi.

(D) Show her the advertisement from the newspaper.

12. (A) Go with her to the airport.

(B) Talk to her for a short time.

(C) Find out when the plane is leing.

(D) Make the phone call now.

13. (A) He can give the woman directions to Chicago.

(B) He can drive the woman to Chicago.

(C) He can get a map for the woman.

(D) He can take the woman to the bookstore.

14. (A) He didn't show his paintings at the exhibit.

(B) He didn't see the paintings.

(C) He doesn't understand Ted's art.

(D) The exhibit was canceled.

15. (A) She has canceled her trip to lowa.

(B) The snowstorm is getting weaker.

(C) The man's information isn't accurate.

(D) They also may get a lot of snow.

16. (A) She needs more time to get ready for the dinner.

(B) She thought the dinner was at another time.

(C) She fot about the plans she made for dinner.

(D) She won't be able to go to dinner.

17. (A) Take the class this semester.

(B) Get permission to take the class.

(C) Take the class over again.

(D) Register for the class next semester.

18. (A) He doesn't like his new eyeglass frames.

(B) He didn't get a haircut.

(C) He got his eyeglasses a long time ago.

(D) Several people he asked him about his new eyeglass frames.

19. (A) The grades he been calculated correctly.

(B) The woman will get the grade she deserves.

(C) The woman received one of the highest grades.

(D) The woman's grade can't be changed.

20. (A) She left the lecture for a few minutes.

(B) She was reading doing the lecture.

(C) She may he fallen asleep.

(D) She misunderstood the speaker's last points.

21. (A) The man hasn't seen Joan recently.

(B) The man plans to call Joan soon.

(C) Joan doesn't know what happened to the book.

(D) Joan ge the book to the man.

22. (A) Why she should tell her students about her plans.

(B) What he plans to do when he's on sabbatical.

(C) Why she can't take a s

abbatical next semester.

(D) Why her students probably weren't surprised by her announcement.

23. (A) Put a little more pepper in the stew.

(B) Taste the stew to see if it needs paper.

(C) Check the recipe to see if they followed it correctly.

(D) Serve the stew as it is.

24. (A) She wants to know where Tom heard the stories.

(B) She's surprised Tom was so serious last night.

(C) Tom doesn't usually tell funny stories.

(D) The stories probably weren't true.

25. (A) He plans to sell the books to a collector.

(B) He won't sell the books until he has read them.

(C) The books probably aren't worth a lot of money.

(D) The woman can borrow any of the books if she wants to.

26. (A) Lee with the man.

(B) Get ready to lee for the weekend.

(C) Stay where she is for the weekend.

(D) Meet the man later.

27. (A) The man is upset that the wasn't invited to the party.

(B) The man and the woman live in different buildings.

(C) The woman's friends were louder than she expected they would be.

(D) The woman hadn't intended to serve food and beverages at the party.

28. (A) Mary hadn't planned to attend the seminar.

(B) Mary has been ill for several weeks.

(C) Mary fot about the seminar.

(D) Mary wasn't able to attend the seminar.

29. (A) Do more research before they meet.

(B) Meet several days before the presentation.

(C) Change the day of the presentation.

(D) Try to solve the problems before they meet.

30. (A) She'll talk to Judy about the problem.

(B) She may not be ailable later to help the man.

(C) She isn't sure if Judy can solve the problem.

(D) The man will be able to solve the problem himself.

31. (A) Places the man has visited.

(B) A paper the woman is writing for a class.

(C) School activities they enjoy.

(D) The woman's plans for the summer.

32. (A) She has never been to Gettysburg.

(B) She took a political science course.

(C) Her family still goes on vacation together.

(D) She's interested in the United States Civil War.

33. (A) Why her parents wanted to go to Gettysburg.

(B) Why her family's vacation plans changed ten years ago.

(C) Where her family went for a vacation ten years ago.

(D) When her family went on their last vacation.

34. (A) It's far from where she lives.

(B) Her family went there without her.

(C) She doesn't know a lot about it.

(D) She's excited about going there.

35. (A) A catalog mailed to the man.

(B) The woman's catalog order.

(C) The history of mail-order catalogs.

(D) A parison of two kinds of catalogs.

36. (A) She wants to learn about Richard Sears.

(B) She is helping the man with his assignment.

(C) She needs to buy a filing cabi.

(D) She wants to order some textbooks.

37. (A) Teachers.

(B) Farmers.

(C) Students.

(D) Laborers.

38. (A) As textbooks.

(B) As fuel.

(C) As newspapers.

(D) As art.

39. (A) Taxes on factory goods rose.

(B) Some people lost their farms.

(C) Shipping prices rose.

(D) some families lost their businesses.

40. (A) Problems with pesticides.

(B) Characteristics of one type of falcon.

(C) Migratory patterns of birds.

(D) Tracking systems for animals.

41. (A) It flying speed.

(B) Its keen hearing.

(C) It size.

(D) Its aggressiveness.

42. (A) By radar.

(B) By airplane.

(C) By direct observation.

(D) By satellite.

43. (A) The types of instruments used in bebop music.

(B) The social setting in which bebop music developed.

(C) How two styles of jazz music influenced each other

(D) The influence of bebop music on the United States economy during the 1940's.

44. (A) They didn't use singers.

(B) They ge free concerts.

(C) They performed in small nightclubs.

(D) They shortened the length of their performances.

45. (A) To discuss one way it impacted jazz music.

(B) To explain why the government reduced some taxes.

(C) To describe a mon theme in jazz music.

(D) To discuss the popularity of certain jazz bands.







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