

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[帮我翻译一下八下英语听力材料]第一个 我想我要穿牛仔裤去派对(或者翻译为聚会), 如果你这么做,老师不会让你进去的。 我想我要待在家里。 如果你这么做,你会感到遗憾的。 我想我要坐公交去派对。 如果你这么做...+阅读

1.May I speak to Mr Wang,please? 2.The Spring Festival is traditional Chinese festival. 3.favourite 4.How far is it from your home? 5.同义句改写 There are more than forty students in our class. Did he make a telephone call to you yesterday? They went to school in a hurry . Can you tell me where to find a telephone? 6.The girl is old enough to go to school. 7.My mother makes me wash it. 8.China is a big country and Japan is a small country.


帮我做下数学数列的题目(5n-8)Sn+1—(5n+2)Sn=—20n—8 ∴(5n-8)(Sn+1—Sn)=10Sn—20n—8 ∴10Sn=20n+8+(5n-8)An+1……(1) ∴10Sn+1=20(n+1)+8+(5n-3)An+2 ……(2) (2)-(1)得 10An+1=20+(5n-3)An+2-(5n-8)...

高手帮帮忙帮我做一下病理生理学的作业谢谢简答题共5道试一、简述DIC引起出血的机制 (1)凝血物质大量消耗:广泛微血栓形成使各种凝血因子包括Fbg、FV、FⅧ、FIX、FX和血小板大量消耗 (2)继发性纤溶功能增强:纤溶功能增强产生大量PLn,PLn...

一道审计题哪位大侠帮我回答一下问题1:存在重大错报风险。 分析程序: ①20*7年度已审数中A产品的毛利率=(40000-34000)/40000=15%,但是20*8年度未审数A产品的毛利率=(50000-40000)/50000=20%,但是根据资料二显示“...

谁能帮我做我做一篇傲慢与偏见的读后感内容提要 -------- 小乡绅班纳特有五个待字闺中的千金,班纳特太太整天操心着为女儿物色称心如意的丈夫。 新来的邻居彬格莱是个有钱的单身汉,他立即成了班纳特太太追猎的目标...

帮我做19道专升本英语选择题要求正确率谢谢1--5 CBBBD 6--10 BACBB 11--15 CCCCC 16--19 ABDC 3.B The boy recognized clearly where his duty_________ . 此题考查词组lie in (在于)。这是一个宾语从句,主句的谓语动词...

帮我翻译一下要英语Our whole families all have favorite season.My mother likes spring, because she loves shopping, the clothing is very beautiful in spring.My father likes autumn,...

帮我找一下简单的英语笑话谢谢1 A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?" and God says: "A penny", then the man says: "God, what is a milli...

八年级语文文言文阅读题谁能帮我做?峡江寺飞泉亭记[编辑本段]原文: 余年来观瀑屡矣,至峡江寺二意难决舍,则飞泉一亭为之也。 凡人之情,其目悦,其体不适,势不能久留。天台之瀑,离寺百步;雁宕瀑旁无寺;他若匡庐,若罗浮,若青...

谁帮我做下这题数学题用a、b、c分别代表甲、乙、丙,即 a+b+c=1000 c/2+b/2=a/2 即 c+b=a 即 a=1000/2=500 又 a/2+b/2=2c 即 a+b=4c a=4c-b 500=4c-b 即 b+c=4c-b 2b=3c 因为 b+c=500 所以 b=300...
