

11月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[日语一级全真句型精解与归纳1]1、AあってのB 接续:A[名词]あってのB[ことだ] 释义:AがあるからこそBがある。AがなければBもない"正因为……才有……" 提示:A多为表示人的名词,意思是只有A才有B. 真题:どんな...+阅读

PART IV GRAMMAR it may e in _____ one day.

A. handy B. useful C. convenient D. helpful

72. The questions that the speaker raised were well ____ the erage adult.

A. past B. on C. beyond D. through

73. Teachers in this school were encouraged to use drama as a(n) _____ of learning.

A. design B. instrument C. agency D. tool

74. First, we need to find out what his scheme is, and then act _____.

A. sensitively B. imaginatively C. efficiently D. accordingly

75. At first Jim was not quite clear what he was going to do after university, but now he seems _____ on being a puter programmer.

A. fit B. set C. disposed D. decided

76. When invited to talk about his achievements+ h

e refused to blow his own _____ and declined to speak at the meeting.

A. trumpet B. whistle C. bugle D. flute

77. In spite of the treatment, the pain in his leg grew in

A. grity B. extent C. intensity D. amount

78. Bus services between Town Centre and Newton Housing Estate will be _____ until the motorway is repaired.

A. discontinued B. suspended C. halted D. ceased

79. The moon, being much nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is the ____ cause of the tides.

A. principal B. basic C. initial D. elementary

80. Teddy came to my ____ with a cheque of  200 to pay my room rate, after I phoned him that my wallet had been stolen.

A. attendance B. assistance C. rescue D. safety


12月大学英语四级考试总体评析关于作文: 选题意义: 这个题目属于社会类话题,但是与大学生的生活密切相关,应该在预料之中,充满着时代气息。从结构和语言表达上来说,难度不大。本次作文的选题是非常具有现实意义...

08年12月大学英语四级A卷Part I Writing (30minutes) 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。 Part II Reading prehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will he 15 m...

日语一级全真句型精解与归纳26、AいかんによらずB 接续:A[ノ]いかんによらずB 释义:Aがどうであるかに関係なく、B"不管……都……;与……无关" 链接:1级5"AいかんにかかわらずB" 真题:この奨学金は留学生の...



日语一级全真句型精解与归纳311、AかたわらB 接续:A[ノ?スル]かたわらB 释义:Aと同時に(の間に)Bをする"一面……一面……;一方面……一方面……" 提示:书面用语。 链接:2级4"A一方でBも"、148"Aは反面(半面)B" 真...



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