

12月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. ______________________ (在地震中遭到破坏),all the tall buildings in the city had to be rebuilt.

2. Were it _____________________ (要不是大气层),the stars could be seen shining at any time in the day.

3. The speaker urged the coal-miners to ____________________ (维护自己的权利),no matter how difficult it would be.

4. The local government has decided to _____________________ (拆除旧城区)to build a central park.

5. I really found it hard to ___________________ (忍住脾气)with so many things going wrong.


1. Hing been damaged by the earthquake (在地震中遭到破坏),all the tall buildings in the city had to be rebuilt.


2. Were it not for the atmosphere (要不是考试大大气层),the stars could be seen shining at any time in the day.

(本题考查虚拟语气中的“要不是”的表达方式是not for)

3. The speaker urged the coal-miners to stand up for their own rights (维护自己的权利),no matter how difficult it would be.

(本题考查短语“维护权利” 的表达方式是stand up for their own rights)

4. The local government has decided to tear down the old district (拆除旧城区)to build a central park.

(本题考查短语“拆除” 的表达方式是tear down)

5.I really found it hard to keep my temper (忍住脾气)with so many things going wrong.

(本题考查短语“忍住脾气的表达方式是keep one’s temper)



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