

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. –foli- leaf: defoliate, foliage

2. *for- 1) apart: forsake, five, fo 2) restrain: forbid

3. *fore- before, in front of: forewarn, forecast, forehead, forearm, foretell, forefather, forerun

4. –form- form: deform, reform

5. *-form of the stated form: gasiform, dentiform, cubiform (不影响重音)

6. foster- adopt: foster-child

7. *–fort- strong: fortify, fortress

8. *-frag-, –fract- break: fraction, refractory, fragile, fragment, fragmentary, fracture, refractor

9. *Franco- French: Francophone

10. *–frater- brother: fraternity, fraternal

11. *–free without: carefree, addictive-free

12. *–friendly convenient for: user-friendly, printer-friendly

13. –frig-, -friger- cold: frigid, refrigerator, fridge, frigidity

14. –fruct- fruit: fructify

15. –frustr- in vain: frustrate

16. *–fug- flee: fugitive, refugee, fugacious, centrifugal, fugacity, insectifuge, febrifuge, lucifugous, subterfuge

17. *–ful 1) adj. full of : beautiful, bashful, shameful, peaceful 2) amount measured by ~: mouthful, spoonful, dishful (不影响重音)

18. –fulmin- thunder, explosion: fulminate

19. *–fus- pour: infuse, transfuse, confusion, refusal, diffuse, interfuse, perfuse, profusion

20. *–funct- perform: function, perfunctory

21. *–fund-, -found- bottom: profound, profundity, found, foundation, fundamental, fundament

22. –furi- rage: furious, infuriate

23. -furt- theft: furtive

24. *–fy cause to bee: pacify, beautify, intensify, glorify(不影响重音)

25. galacto- milk: Galaxy, galactic

26. galvano- electricity: galvanize, galvanism

27. *–gamist n. bigamist, polygamist, bigamist, misogamist (重音’- gamist)/g[mist/

28. *–gamous of the stated kind of marriage: polygamous, bigamous, monogamous (重音’ - gamous)/g[m[s/

29. *–gamy: marriage: polygamy, bigamy, monogamy (重音 ‘- gamy)/g[mi/

30. gastr- stomach: gastronomy, gastritis

31. *–gen-, -gener-, -ge- 1) birth: gene, genesis, geic 2) kind [n]: generic, general, generous

32. *–genarian n. and adj. octogenarian, sexagenarian (重音’arian)

33. –genic producing: ketogenic

34. genito- of the genitals: genitalia, genitourinary

35. *-geo- earth: geology, geography, geometry, geometrician, geopolitics, geothermal

36. *–ger-, -gest- carry: belligerent, congestion, gesture, digestion

37. gero- old people: geroia, gerontology

38. *giga- gigant- huge: gigantocyte

39. –glaci- ice: glacial, glaciology, glacier, glaciation, subglacial, preglacial

40. -glob- globe: globular, globalism

41. –glor- glory: glorify, vainglorious

42. –glossia tongue: macroglossia

43. gluc-, glyc- sweet: glucose

44. –glyph- carve out: hieroglyph, anaglyph

45. *–gon- angle: pentagon, diagonal, trigonometry, hexagon, octagon, polygon

46. *–gony birth: cosmogony

47. *-grad- step, go: gradual, graduate, retrograde, degrade, upgradable, downgrade, gradine

48. *–gram, -gramme picture: ideogram, telegram, program, diagram, cryptogram, phonogram, hologram, seismogram (重音’- - gram)/gr[m/

49. *–graph- record, draw: telegraph, photograph, graphics, autograph, biography, monograph, polygraph, micrograph, macrograph, seismograph, barograph, stereograph, cyclograph, holography (重音’- -graph /gr[f/ )gra’phic /grAfik/ ’ - graphy /gr[fi/)

50. –gran- grain: granary, granivorous, granule, granular

51. *–grat- gratitude: gracious, gratis, ingratiate

52. *–gr- hey: grity, aggrate, gritate, agric, gre, grid, gridity

53. *Graeco- Greco- Greek: Greco-Roman

54. *–greg- flock [v]: segregate, congregate, aggregate, gregarious, egregious, congregation

55. *–gress- go: aggression, aggressive, Congress, transgress, progress, progressive, retrogress, congressional, digress, egress, ingress, regress

56. –gubern- govern: gubernatorial

57. –gust- taste: gusto, disgust

58. *–gyn-, gynae-, gyne-, gynaec-, gynec- woman: gynecology, misogyny, androgynous, monogyny, polygyny, philogynists

59. gyro- circle: gyrate, gyroscope

60. *–habit- live, dwell: inhabit, cohabit, inhabitant, habitat, habitation, conhabitant

61. haem-, hem-, hemat- blood: hemochrome

62. hagio- saint: hagiography

63. –hal- breathe: inhale, inhalant, exhale, inhalator, halitosis, exhalation

64. hamart- wrong: hamrtoplasia

65. –hap- chance, luck: perhaps, happen, happy, mishap, hapless, haply

66. haplo- simple: haplosis, haploid

67. –haust- draw water: exhaust, exhaustive

68. *he- male: he-wolf, he-man

69. –head head, origin: beachhead, springhead

70. *hecto- 100: hectogram, hectometer, hectowatt

71. helio- sun: heliolatry, heliocentric, perihelion, aphelion, heliosis, heliotherapy, heliotropism

72. *Hellen- ancient Greece: Hellenic, Hellenize

73. *hemi- half: hemisphere, hemicycle

74. hepat- liver: hepatitis

75. *hepta- [hept- before a vowel] seven: heptagon, heptode

76. *–her-, -hes- stick, cling: adhere, cohesive, coherence, hesitant, inhere, inherent, cohere

77. *–hered-, -heret- heir: inheritance, heritage, hereditary, heredo-immunity

78. *hetero- different: heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodox, heteromorphic

79. *hexa- [hex- before a vowel]six: hexagon, hexameter

80. –hibern- winter: hibernate

81. *–hibit- hold: inhibit, prohibit, exhibitionism, exhibit

82. hiero- holy: hieroarchy, hieroglyphic, hieroglyph

83. *–high of the stated height: knee-high

84. –hilar- cheerful: hilarity, exhilarate

85. hippo- horse: hippopotamus

86. *holo- [hol- before a vowel] all: holocaust, holistic, holograph, holophone

87. *homeo-, homo- the same: homophone, homosexual, homophone, homonym

88. *-hood period, condition,state, quality: childhood, likelihood, neighborhood, falsehood(不影响重音)

89. –horr- horror: horrify, abhorrence, abhor, horrific, horrendous

90. –hort- urge [v]: exhort, exhortation

91. –hospit-, -host- guest: hospitable, hospital, hotel, hostage, inhospitable, hospitality, hostile

92. –hum- ground: inhume, exhume, inhumation, humble, humility, humiliate, posthumous

93. *hydro- water, hydrogen: hydropower, hydraulic, hydroplane, hydrosphere, hydrology, hydropathy, hydrophobia, dehydrate, hydrate, hydrolysis, hydrant

94. *hypo-, hyp- below, decrease: hypothermy, hypothesis, hypotension, hypothermia

95. *hyper- extreme: hypersensitive, hypermilitant, hyperslow

96. hypno- sleep: hypnotic, hypnosis, hypnotize, dehypnotize, hypnotist, hypnotherapy

97. hypso- high: hipsotherapy

98. *–i n. or adj. Israeli, Iraqi, Pakistani(重音’- i)/i/

99. *–ia 1) name of countries: India, Liberia 2) name of diseases: pneumonia 3) certain Greek and Latin words: militia, intelligentsia, utopia 4) generic names: reptitia(重音’- ia)/i[/

100. *-ial [variant of -al]: presidential, spatial, managerial, adverbial, palatial, differential (重音’ – ial, -tial /F[l/, -erial /i[ril/, -orial /o:ril/ )

101. *–ian [variant of -an] n. or adj. Canadian, Romanian, grammarian, theologian (重音’ - ian)/i[n/

102. –iasis disease: urolithiasis (重音’iasis)/ieisis/

103. –iatr- medical: iatrotechnique, psychiatrist

104. *–ibility: n. of adj. ending in –ible: bustibility, irresistibility (重音i’bility)/ibiliti/

105. *–ible [variant of -able]: bustible, irresistible, extensible, sensible

106. *–ic 1) adj. of, hing to do with: volcanic, anic, metallic 2) like, hing the nature of: angelic, basic, specific, idyllic 3) produced by, caused by: anaerobic 4) producing, causing: analgesic 5) consiting of, containing: dactylic 6) showing, affected by: lethargic, allergic 7) adhering to: Gnostic 8) science: rhetoric, arithmetic, logic 9) n. person: critic, sceptic, heretic, mechanic(重音’ – ic /ik/,但是’Catholic, ‘lunatic, a’rithmetic, ‘heretic)

107. *–ical adj. =-ic: logical, economical (重音’ - ical)/ik[l/

108. *–ice 1) quality, act or condition. arice, caprice, service, malice, edifice 2) person: novice, apprentice (通常重音’- - ice /is/,但ap’prentice)

109. ichthyo- fish: ichthyology, ichthyoid, ichthyphagous

110. *–ician n. person: logician, musician, physician, magician (重音’ician)/iF[n/

111. *–icious adj. of n. ending in –ice: aricious, capricious, malicious (重音’icious)/iF[s/

112. *–icity n. of adj. ending in –ic: specificity, lucidity, specificity(重音’icity)/isiti/

113. *–ics study, discipline: economics, physics, mathematics (重音’- ics)/iks/

114. *–id adj. of Latin origin: languid, placid, livid, fervid, frigid (通常重音’- id)

115. *–ide 化合物: oxide(不影响重音)

116. *–idity n. of adj. ending in –id: frigidity (重音’idity)/iditi/

117. *ideo- thought, idea: ideology, ideogram, ideal, ideality, idealistic, ideate

118. idio- of oneself: idioglossia, idiom, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, idiomatic, idiopathy, idiograph

119. *–ie, -y name of endearment: doggie, birdie, lassie(不影响重音)

120. –ier n. person or thing: cashier, brazier, dossier, glazier, frontier (通常’ – ier /i[/,但ca’shier)

121. *ig- see in-

122. –igni- [-ign- before a vowel] fire: ignite, ignition, igneous, ignitable, preignition

123. *il- see in-

124. *–ile 1) adj. agile, hostile, fragile, juvenile, senile 2) n. missile, projectile (通常重音’- - ile 英音/ail/, 美音/[l/)

125. *–ility n. of adj. ending in –ile: agility, fragility, servility, mobility(重音’ility)/iliti/

126. *im- see in-

127. *in- 1) [into, onto, towards, intensive] v. 2) [not] adj. of Latin origin

[ig- before n] ignoble

[il- before l] illustrate, illegal, illogical, illiterate

[im- before b, m, p] imperil, imbibe, impossible, immoral, impassive, impotent

[ir- before r] irrigate, irritate, irresistible, irregular, irruption

[otherwise in-] indict, invade, inhuman, incorrect, incapable, inject, inhuman

128. *–in, -ine some special substance: insulin, vitamin, penicillin, morphine(通常重音’ - - in/ine)/in/

129. *Indo- Indian: Indo-European

130. *–ine 1) see –in 2) adj. alkaline, clandestine, canine 3) abstract nouns: doctrine, medicine, famine, discipline 4) person, usually denoting female: heroine, libertine, concubine (通常重音’ - - ine) /ain/ or /in/

131. *infra- [positive] below; inferior- [parative] ; infern- [superlative]: infrastructure, infrared, infrasound, inferiority, infernal

132. *–ing 1) present participle: stopping 2) material: bedding, wrapping, flooring, clothing 3) occupation: banking, accounting, printing 4) thing: holding, footing, carving, building 5) adj. surprising, exciting (不影响重音)

133. *–insul- island: insular, insulin, insulate, peninsula, insularism

134. *–integr- whole: integrity, integrate, disintegration, integral, integer

135. *inter- [positive] between, mutual; interior- [parative]; intim- [superlative]: international, intercontinental, interject, interpersonal, interchange, interact, intermix, interior, intimacy

136. *intra- within: intradepartmental

137. *intro- inward: introduction, introspection, introvert

138. *–ion 1) n. of certain v.: munion, opinion, union, election 2) thing: medallion, accordion, cushion(重音’- ion)/i[n/

139. *–ious [variant of -ous]: spacious, laborious, contagious, curious (重音’- ious)/Fi[s/

140. –ir- anger: ire, irate

141. *–isation, ization n. of v. ending in –ise or –ize: modernization (重音i’sation)/aizeiFn/

142. *–ise, -ize cause to bee: modernize, institutionalize (不影响重音)/aiz/

143. *-ish 1) of or belonging to a nation or people: Spanish, Irish 2) like or characteristic of [usually derog.]: devilish, boyish, womanish, knish 3) somewhat: blusih, grayish 4) about [colloq.]: eightish 5) v.: vanish, punish, establish (不影响重音)/iF/

144. *–ism doctrine, state, practice: alcoholism, naturalism, Maxism (不影响重音)/iz[m/

145. *iso- the same in every part: isotherm, isobar, isomagic, isotope, isogon

146. *–ist 1) person (corresponding to words ending in -ism): pessimist, modernist; 2) adj. characteristic of: impressionist (不影响重音)/ist/

147. *–istic adj. of n. ending in –ism: optimistic, simplistic (重音’istic)/istic/

148. *–it- go: mittee, exit, obit, obituary, visit, initial, ambition, initiate, initiative, transit, transitory, circuit

149. *Italo- Italian: Italo-French

150. *–ite 1) n. stalagmite, appetite 2) adj. 3) v. ignite

151. –iter- repeat: reiterate

152. –itiner- journey: itinerary, itinerant

153. *–ition n. of v. ending in –ite or –ete: petition, ignition, recognition (重音’ition)/iFn/

154. *–itive adj. or n. of n. ending in –ition: cognitive, addictive (重音同原动词)/itiv/

155. *–itis: infection: bronchitis, hepatitis, nephritis (重音’itis)/aitis/

156. *–itor doer [of v. ending in –ite or –ete]: petitor (重音同原动词)/it[/

157. *–itude, -tude n. of Latin origin: magnitude, latitude, attitude (重音’ - itude)/tju:d/

158. *–itudinal, -tudinal adj. of n. ending in –itude or –tude: attitudinal, latitudinal (重音’tudinal)/tju:dinl/

159. *–ity, -ty quality: reality, verity, longevity, sincerity (重音’- ity)/iti/

160. *–ive adj. or n. of n. ending in –ion: permissive, active (重音同原动词)/iv/

161. *–ivity n. of adj. ending in –ive: activity,productivity, relativity (重音’ivity)/iviti/

162. *–ization see -isation

163. *–ize see –ise

164. *–jac- lie at a certain place: adjacent

165. *–ject- throw: abject, deject, reject, eject, projection, projector, projectile, inject, injection, interject, subject, object

166. –joc- jest: jocose, joke

167. –jubil- wild shout: jubilee, jubilation

168. *–judic- judge: adjudicate, judiciary

169. –jug- yoke: conjugal

170. *–junct- connect: adjunct, conjunction, injunction, disjunction, disjunctive

171. *–jur-, -juris- right, law: jurisdiction, juror, abjure

172. *–just- just, fair: justice, adjust, injustice

173. *–juven- [postive] young; minor-, minus [parative]; minim- [superlative]: juvenile, rejuvenate, minority, minimize

174. juxta- near: juxtaposition

175. karyo- core: karyokinesis

176. *kata- =cata-: katabolism

177. kera-, kerat- 角: keratitis

178. keto- 酮: ketogenic

179. *kilo- 1,000: kilogram, kilowatt, kilocalorie, kilometer

180. *–kin n. diminutive: lambkin,manikin, napkin (不影响重音)

181. *–labor- labor: laborious, collaborate

182. –lacrym- tear: lachrymal, lachrymose

183. –lact-, -galact- milk: ablactation, lactic, lactary, lactate, lactifuge, galaxy, galactic, agalactia

184. –langu- weak: languid, languor

185. –lapid- stone: dilapidate, lapidary

186. *–laps- fall: lapse, collapsible, relapse

187. laryng- throat: laryngology

188. *–lat- 1) wide: latitude 2) see –fer-

189. –later- side: bilateral, lateral, multilateral

190. –latrous of worship: idolatrous


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