

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁能告诉我任务型教学法的定义要英文]The duty teaching is the teacher rests on the curriculum the overallgoal and the union course content, creatively the design draws closeto the student actual te...+阅读

English songs have been very popular for people around the world for many decades. From Elvis Presley to Ricky Martin , from the Beattles to Eminem and from Natalie cole to Britney Spears have all been sitting in everyone's heart, even for people who don't speak English.... even for people who speak zero English.英文歌曲风靡全世界已经很长时间了,从猫王到瑞奇·马丁;从披头士到阿姆;从娜塔莉高到布兰妮·斯皮尔斯……这些巨星甚至迷倒了那些根本不讲英语的人。

Should you have better English skills if you listen to English songs for a long time. From my experiences, some people listen to English songs for 20-30 years but still don't accomplish any good English skills. Some people choose English songs to be the "main learning approach", which most are failed.多听英文歌就能提高英语水平吗?据我所知,有些人听了二三十年的英文歌,但英语还是不怎么好。有些人甚至把听歌作为学英语的主要途径,然而大多数都失败了。

Listenning to English songs does not help you to speak English fluently. It does help you gain some vocabularies but, yet, most of them are unusual ones that you don't use in your everyday life. You won't learn the sentence "It is a complicate project. We really need to meet the deadline." in any English songs All you will hear are only love, passion, infection, hate and blue, for the feeling not the color.听英文歌并不能让你讲一口流利的英语。

虽然听歌的确能增加你的词汇量,但是这些词汇中的大部分都是日常生活中不怎么常用的。比如你在任何英文歌里都不可能听到这个句子:It is a complicate project. We really need to meet the deadline. 你能听到的只有关于爱、恨、激情、郁闷之类的词汇。People like using English songs to practice English skill because it's easy and enjoy. They think that sitting in the car listenning to English song day by day can improve their English skills. It is actually not. You will definitely not improve your listenning skill becasue normal people don't speak with melody. People don't talk like Eminem song. You can't get yourself familiar with English pronunciation or accent just from listenning to English songs. The words that they pronouce in the songs are not the words that you will hear in your everyday life. It's oftenly even confused you more how English is pronouced.大家喜欢听英文歌来学习英语是因为这是一种简单、享受的方式。



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