

12月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

There are six characteristics of speech, all of which are vital to speak effectively. In this section we'll look at each of them separately. These speech characteristics are basically important to you and your manner of speech. If you are not pletely happy with the way your voice sounds, you may need to work on some of them. Remember that although we are going to talk about each characteristic individually, they must ultimately blend into a pelling articulate speech. Let's list them, they are 1)pitch, 2)inflection, energy, 3)duration, 4)tempo, and volume.

Pitch is simply an 5)acoustical property of the voice hing to do with its frequency, high to low. The pitch of your speaking voice is determined by a number of factors, including whether you're male or female. Early environment has its effect. If the people around you spoke in high pitches most of the time, chances are that you'll use primarily the upper third of your pitch range. Since Americans prefer voices pitched in the lower third of their range, speaking in such a high pitch voice, should be corrected. Geic inheritance must also be considered. If father had a very deep voice and sang bass in the church 6)choir, then you, his son, may also sing bass and speak with a deep voice when it has lowered after puberty.

Female voices change during 7)adolescence just as do men's voices although not as noticeably. An adult female's vocal chords normally vibrate about twice as fast as those of an adult male. As a result, her pitch is about an 8)octe higher than a male's pitch. An interesting 9)aside though, contrary to popular opinion, a person's height or weight does not, as a rule, affect the pitch of the voice, or its volume. When you meet a large or tall person, with a tiny high pitched voice, it usually es as a surprise. And once upon a time it was thought that an opera singer had to be overweight in order to sing with force, not so.

You should usually speak at a fortable vocal 10)register. That's called your 11)optimum pitch. Your habitual pitch on the other hand is the pitch range that you use most frequently, and a caution is in order, if you speak at too high or too low a pitch, some or most of the time, you may strain your 12)vocal cords. That habitual pitch that you spoke of should not be constant though. Expressive speech requires that pitch be varied. Variety is also the spice of speech.

And that's the second characteristic of speech, pitch variety is technically called inflection. Inflecting your pitch, means that your voice rises and falls to 13)impart added richness and meaning to your speech. Inflection is the most important element giving meaning to our spoken thoughts. I might say,

“Well, isn't this exciting?”

I detect a note of sarcasm. I believe that while you were saying one thing, you meant another. That's a technique used quite often when we are insincere or teasing. Sarcasm can add humor to our speech, but it can also hide true intentions, and confuse our listeners.

Well then how about this,

“Oh isn't this exciting?”

Wow, now that was real excitement and you municated that excitement through inflection, and also I think you raised your energy level a trifle. And so you see that inflection is a powerful speech tool. Always use it to your advantage in speech.

Let's move on now to the third characteristic of effective speech, energy. That's the level of enthusiasm with which you speak. Your level of energy varies of course to suit the setting in which you are speaking, and the subject matter you are addressing. Your energy level when speaking earnestly and quietly to a child wouldn't be used at a sporting event. That has to do with the speech setting of course.

If your speech doesn't convey interest or enthusiasm, if it's lack 14)luster and boring, you'll need to work on injecting more energy into it. You should always maintain a natural level of excitement and energy when you speak. it must never seem forced or artificial, but when that energy is there, your listeners will pay more attention to what you he to say.

(To be continued)














1) pitch n. (音乐、说话的)音高 2 inflection n. 变音,转调,语调的抑扬变化

3) duration n. 持续,持久

4) tempo n. 节拍,节奏

5) acoustical a. 由声音操纵的,能控制音响的

6) choir n.(教堂的)唱诗班,合唱团。亦作quire

7) adolescence n. 青春期,接近成熟的

8) octe n. 八度,八度音程,一音阶

9) aside n. 暂时离题;枝节话 10) register n. (音乐)音域,声域

11) optimum a. 最适宜的,的

12) vocal cords 声带 13) impart vt. 传递;告知,通知

14) luster n. 光彩,光泽



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