

11月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


(1)When people tell me that they love animals because they’ re feeling beings and then go on to abuse them, I tell them that I’m glad they dont love me. Recognizing that animals he emotions is important because animals’ feelings matter. Animals are sentient beings experiencing the ups and downs of daily life, and we must respect this when we interact with them. (2)While we obviously he much more to learn, what we already know should be enough to inspire changes in the way we treat other animals. We must not simply continue with the status quo because that is what weve always done and it’s convenient to do so. What we know has changed, and so should our relationships with animals. Quite often what we accept as "good welfare" isn’t "good enough. "

Our relationship with other animals is a plex, ambiguous, challenging and frustrating affair, and we must continually reassess how we should interact with our nonhuman kin. Part of this reassessment involves asking difficult questions. Thus, I often ask researchers who conduct invasive work "Would you do that to your dog?" (3)Some are startled to hear this question, but it’s a very important one to ask because if someone won’t do something to their dog that they do daily to other dogs or to mice, rats, cats, monkeys, pigs, cows, elephants or chimpanzees, we need to know why.

Humans he enormous power to affect the world any way we choose. Daily, we silence sentience in innumerable animals in a wide variety of venues. (4)However, we also know that were not the only sentient creatures with feelings, and with the knowledge that what hurts us hurts them es the enormous responsibility and obligation to treat other beings with respect, appreciation, and passion.(5)There’s no doubt whatsoever that, when it es to what we can and cannot do to other animals, it’s their emotions that should inform our discussions and our actions on their behalf.

Emotions are the gifts of our ancestors. We he them, and so do other animals. We must never fet this. [344 words]


Ambiguous adj.含糊的,模棱两可的,多义的

Reassess vt.重新估价

kin n.同类,亲戚



(2)虽然关于动物还有许多知识有待我们去学习,不过我们对动物的已有了解足以促使我们改变对待它们的方式。(3)听到这个问题,有人很吃惊。但是,这是一个值得问的重要问题,因为,如果某人平常野蛮对待其它狗,还野蛮 对待老鼠、猫、猴子、猪、母牛、大象、黑猩猩等,却不这样对待自己的狗,我们倒想知道这究竟是为什么。

(4)然而,我们也知道,并非只有我们人类具有情感。我们知道,伤害我们的事也会伤害动物。因此,我们对其他动 物应该尊重、感激和同情,这是我们的巨大责任和义务。

(5)毫无疑问,无论如何,说到对其他动物能做什么和不能做什么,我们无论讨论动物,还是对待动物,应该顾及的 正是它们的情感。


(1)[When people tell me(that they love animals)and then go on to abuse them],I tell them[that l’m glad(they don’t love me)].

(2)While we obviously he much more to learn,[-what we already know]should be enough to inspire changes in the way[we treat other animals].

(3)Some are startled to hear this question,but it’s a very important one to ask because(if someone won’t do something to their dog



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