

11月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

If you lee a loaded weapon lying around, it is bound to go off sooner or later. Snow-covered northern Europe heard the gunshot loud and clear when Russia cut supplies to Ukraine this week as part of a row about money and power, the two eternal battlegrounds of global energy. From central Europe right across to France on the Atlantic seaboard, gas supplies fell by more than one-third. For years Europeans had been telling themselves that a cold-war enemy which had supplied them without fail could still be depended on now it was an ally. Suddenly, nobody was quite so sure.

Fearing the threat to its reputation as a supplier, Russia rapidly restored the gas and settled its differences with Ukraine. But it was an unfortable glimpse of the dangers for a continent that imports roughly half its gas and expects to be importing 80% of its gas by 2030 much of it from Russia. It was scarcely more wele for America, which condemned Russia s tactics. And no wonder: it consumes one-quarter of the world’s oil, but produces only 3% of the stuff. Over the ing years, the world’s dependence on oil looks likely to concentrate on the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia. Russian oil had seemed a useful alternative.

Fear of the energy weapon has a long history. When producers had the upper hand in the oil embargo of 1973-74, Arab members of the anisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cut supply, sowing turmoil and a global recession. When consumers had the upper hand in the early 1990s, the embargo cut the other way. After Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, the world shut in 5m barrels a day (b/d) of production from the two countries in an attempt to force him out.

With oil costing   60 a barrel, five times more than the nominal price in 1999, and spot prices for natural gas in some European and American markets at or near record levels, power has swung back to the producers for the first time since the early 1980s. Nobody knows how long todays tight markets will last. "It took us a long time to get there and it will take us a long time to get back," says Robin West, chairman of PFC Energy in Washington. A clutch of alarmist books with titles such as "The Death of Oil" predict that so little oil is left in the ground that producers will always he pricing power. The question is how worried consumers should be. What are the threats to energy security and what should the world do about them? The answers suggest a need for planning and a certain amount of grim realism, but not for outright panic. [452 words]

1. Which of the following is pared to "a loaded weapon going off"?

A. Northern Europe heard the gunshot loud and clear.

B. Gas supplies fell remarkably in Europe.

C. Russia cut gas supplies to Ukraine.

D. Russia had a fierce row with Ukraine.

2. The Europeans ______

A. can still depend on Russia for the supply of gas

B. contended with their cold war enemy, Russia, for a long time

C. are glad to he Russia as their ally to supply them gas

D. worry about the possible unreliability of gas Supply from Russia

3. According to the text, America ______.

A. poses a threat to Russia’s reputation as an oil supplier

B. wakes up to the dangers Russia’s oil tactics may bring

C. is less vulnerable economically than European continent

D. has shifted its dependence on oil from the middle east to Russia

4. An oil embargo ______.

A. leads to the decrease of oil supply

B. leads to the decrease of oil demand

C. signals an imminent global recession

D. may serve as a powerful weapon

5. In the face of the shortage of oil supply, the consumers should ______

A. be well prepared for the grim future

B. be more optimistic than ever before

C. be no less worried than the producers

D. be no more worried than the producers







参考答案: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A


①[If you lee a loaded weapon lying around’],it is bound to go off sooner or later.Snow-covered northern Europe heard the gunshot loud and clear when Russia cut supplies tO Ukraine this week as part of a row about money and power,the two eternal battlegrounds of global energy].


【释义】如果你把装满子弹的武器随处乱放,迟早会走火。大雪覆盖的北欧清楚地听到了响亮的枪声,本周俄罗 斯中断了对乌克兰的石油供应,这是对金钱和权利争吵的结局,而金钱和权利是全球能源问题所涉及的两个永无 休止的争论题目。

②For years Europeans had been telling themselves[that a cold—war enemy(which had supplied them without fail) could still be depended on(now it was an ally)].

【结构】方括号部分是“had been tellin9”的宾语从句。

【释义】俄罗斯在冷战时期曾以敌人的姿态为欧洲人提供石油,且从未中断。这使得欧洲人多年来一直认为,这 个敌人既然都变成了盟友,当然可以继续依靠了。

⑨But it was an unfortable glimpse of the dangers for a continent[that imports roughly half its鼬s and expects to be importing 80%of its gas by 2030 much of it from Russia].


【释义】欧洲大陆用的石油大约一半靠进口,预计到2030年将有80%靠进口,而且主要靠从俄罗斯进口。看到所 冒的风险,着实令人不安。

④[When producers had the upper hand in the oil embargo of l 973—743,Arab members of the anisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)cut supply,sowing turmoil and a global recession. [When consumers had the upper hand in the early l990s],the embargo cut the other way.


【释义】1973年至1974年石油禁运时,产油国处于有利地位,石油输出国家组织(OPEC)中的阿拉伯成员国削减 供给,引发混乱和全球经济不景气。90年代初石油消费国处于有利地位时,石油禁运的后果刚好相反。

⑤[With oil costing 60 a barrel five times more than the nominal price in 1999,and spot prices for natural gas in some European and American markets at or near record levels],power has swung back to the producers for the first time since the early 1980s.


【释义】当石油价格达到每桶60美元,即比1999年的标称价格高5倍多,天然气的现货价格在欧洲和美国一些 市场达到或接近高记录的水平时,自80年代初以来,能源权力首次回到产油国手中。


alarmist n.大惊小怪者,杞人忧天者

battleground n.战争斗争的舞台,争论题

embargo n.禁止出入港口,禁运

nominal adj.标称的,名义的

nominal price名义价格,票面价格,虚价

outright adj.彻底的,完全的

recession n.不景气,工商业衰退期

row n.吵架,争吵

spot price现货价格

turmoil n.骚动,混乱

upper hand优势,上风,有利地位



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