

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[医学专业名词翻译]消化专科病房 Digestion specialist wards 重症胰腺炎 Severe pancreatitis 胰胆疾病的内镜治疗 Endoscopic treatment of pancreatic and biliary diseases 肝硬化门脉高压...+阅读

(1)液相色谱 应与高丽参对照药材色谱峰保留时间一致

Liquid chromatograph- the retention time should be the same as that of 高丽参control medicine

(2)薄层色谱 应与高丽参对照药材色谱一致

Thin film chromatograph - should be the same as that of 高丽参control medicine

(3)气相色谱 应与高丽参对照药材色谱峰保留时间一致

Gas chromatograph - the retention time should be the same as that of 高丽参control medicine

高丽参: I don't know.


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