
艾薇儿的 Innocence中文翻译

02月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请教英文的委托书正确翻译正规格式]委托书 由于本人不在中国工作及生活,现委托我妻子XXX全权处理在中国的所一切房产的买卖事宜。 Proxy BE IT DNOWN, that I,____,hereby constitute and appoint my lawfully...+阅读

题目《innocence》 无罪;清白 Waking up I see that everything is ok 睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演 The first time in my life and now it's so great 我的生活从未如此美好呈现 Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed 放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊艳 I think about the little things that make life great 那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见 I wouldn't change a thing about it 我不会让它改变 This is the best feeling 这感觉毫无缺陷 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don't go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don't you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 I found a place so safe, not a single tear 这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼 The first time in my life and now it's so clear 我的生活从未如此清晰呈现 Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here 不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园 It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere 强烈的震撼现在我让自己变得诚虔 I wouldn't change a thing about it 我不会让它改变 This is the best feeling 这感觉毫无缺陷 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don't go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don't you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming 命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻 It's the happiness inside that you're feeling 而你真切感到幸福的浸染 It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming 命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻 It's the happiness inside that you're feeling 而你真切感到幸福的浸染 It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此灿烂 it makes you want to cry 令你不禁泪眼潸然 This innocence is brilliance, 这份纯真 如此珍贵 please don't go away 请不要消退 Cause I need you now 因为现在是我需要你的时候 And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don't you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don't go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don't you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 嗯嗯,完了。


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