

03月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

你觉得自己丑吗?Do You Think You Are Ugly?Today, people play the joke that it is the age of looking at the face, which means appearance decides everything. Some people are very annoyed by their appearance, they are afraid to look at the mirror and when taking photoes, they try to oid. They think they are ugly. Actually, these people are believed to he the mental illness, they can do as the following advice and get rid of illness.今天,人们开玩笑说这是个看脸的年代,这意味着外表决定一切。

有些人为自己的外表而感到烦恼,他们在拍照留念时害怕看镜头,尽量去避免。他们认为自己长得不好看。实际上,这些人被认为是有精神疾病,他们可以按照如下建议去做,摆脱疾病。First, people must realize that the evaluation of a person is not according to the apperance totally. The obvious example is the facebooks founder Mark Zuckerberg, the young and rich man married a homely looking girl. This girl was very excellent and she had the charm. It is important to cultivate the personal charm, such as reading more books and broaden the vision.首先,人们必须认识到,对一个人的评价并不全是根据容貌。

最明显的例子是脸书的创始人马克扎克伯格,一个年轻有钱的人娶了一个普通的女孩。这个女孩很优秀,有自己的魅力。培养个人魅力是很重要的,比如阅读更多的书籍,扩大视野。Second, it is also indispensable to make up properly. People dont need to dress like the stars, but make up a little can help them to be confident, whats more, it is important to know the dress code. So people will not feel the self-deprecation in the public occasions.第二,适当地化妆也是不可少的。

人们不需要穿得像明星那样,但化一点点妆可以帮助他们变得自信,更重要的是,要知道如何着装。这样人们在公共场合才不会觉得自我贬低。Everybody is born to be equal and has their own feature, so dont be stuck in the appearance.每个人生来是平等的,都有自己的特性,所以不要为外表而停滞不前。富二代形象 The Image of the Rich Second GenerationSince the end of last century, Chinese economy developed very fast and it brought some chances to part of people, helping them earn a lot of money. When their children was born, people called them the rich second generation. The public always read some negative news about these rich guys, their label seemed to be young and reckless. But it is not true for all.自上世纪末以来,中国的经济发展非常快, 给一部分人带来了机遇,让他们赚了很多钱。

他们的孩子出生时,人们称他们为富二代。公众对这些有钱人总是看到一些负面新闻,他们的标签似乎年轻和不计后果的。但并不是所有的富二代都这样。We must realize that those second rich generation who are reported in the news are negative image. The rich people belong to small part of it and most people are still struggling in the well-off level. So these negative image can help to ease their jealousness. Whats more, the negative news is always easy to catch the publics attention and raise them to discuss. Thats the value of news report.我们必须意识到那些新闻报道中的富二代都是负面的形象。

富人仍是属于小的一部分,大多数人仍苦苦挣扎在小康水平。所以这些富二代的负面形象可以缓解他们的嫉妒心。更重要的是,负面新闻总是容易吸引公众的注意力,引起他们的讨论。这是新闻报道的价值。Lets take a look at the real rich second generation. They are born in the rich family and surely to win over most kids. But they know they he to learn, as so to pete with other excellent guys. They he the good resouces and they can make use of them, which help them to be skillful and knowledgable.让我们看一看真正的富二代。

他们出生在富裕的家庭,肯定赢过大多数的孩子。但他们知道必须学习,这样才能与其他优秀的人竞争。他们拥有好的资源可以利用,让他们变得有技能,并且知识渊博。This is the true about these rich kids, as the mon kid, we he no reason to give up studying.这才是真正的富二代,作为普通的孩子,我们更没有理由放弃学习。不要盲目追求牌子 Dont Chase After the Brand BlindlyIt has been obvious that Chinese economy develops very fast because of the policy of reform and open. More and more people get rich, they can buy what they want, as peoples life standard improves, people begin to chase after material, they use the money to buy brand, just to enjoy the feeling of spending money. The money should be spent in a reasonable way.很显然的,中国的经济发展很快,因为改革开放的政策。

越来越多的人变得富有,他们可以买自己想要的,随着人们生活水平的提高,人们开始追求物质,他们用钱来买牌子,仅仅是为了享受花钱的感觉。然而钱应该花得合理点。When we listen to the young people, we can find that they care about the brand so much. For boys, they talk about the cars, they get to know every brand of the car and judge people according to the price. For girls, they like to make up, they talk about the clothes brand, they like to pare with each other in a way of paring the clothes price.当我们聆听年轻人的时候,我们可以发现他们很在意牌子。

对于男孩子来说,他们谈论车子,了解车子的每个牌子,根据价格来判断人。对于女孩子来说,她们喜欢化妆,谈论衣服的牌子,她们喜欢通过比较衣服的价格来彼此攀比。When people get rich, they want to use the money to buy the enjoyable feeling, brand is the best way to show their status, so people will chase after the brand. But they always get in the trap of chasing after the brand blindly, they can use the money in the reasonable way.当人们变得富裕,他们想要通过使用钱来买享受的感觉,牌子是显示他们地位的最好方式,所以人们会追求牌子。

但是他们总是陷入了盲目追求牌子的陷阱,他们可以通过合理方式来消费金钱。Though with much money, people dont he to buy the expensive thing to show off themselves, with less money, they still can buy the things as good as the brand.虽然有很多钱,但是人们没有必要去买贵的东西来炫耀自己,即使钱没那么多,他们仍然可以买到和牌子一样好的东西。



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