

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[点读机怎么下载英语教材]1、根据点读机的品牌去对应的官网,进入下载中心,选择对应的机型,根据需求选择”模块--科目--年级--学期--出版社”,查看到符合要求的资料后,直接点击资料后面的下载。 2、下载教...+阅读

What's on your mind? 你心里想什么呢? That is just what I wanted/hoped for/had in mind. 那正是我心里想的/希望的。 I said to myself, "I'll do it this way." 我心里想:“我要这样做。” He wondered if he would ever see them again. 他心里想他是否还能再见到他们。 The managing director's only concern was how to improve the quality of their products. 总经理心里想的全是如何提高产品质量。

I said to myself, "I'll do it." 我心里想:“我做这件事。” I guess he will be eating me out again. 我心里想他又要大骂我一顿了。 I can see perfectly well that you are trying to take the mickey out of me. 我心里明白得很,你们想拿我开心。 His mind was lumbered with those decadent ideas of the bourgeosie. 他的心里充满着那些资产阶级的颓废思想。 My mind travelled over recent events. 我在心里把最近发生的事情一一想了一遍。

The mad man is always thinking aloud:"It was my fault.It was my fault." 这个精神病人老是自言自语地说:“是我不好,是我不好。” Repeats himself constantly. 时常自言自语 He spoke to himself. 他自言自语。 She sometimes talks to herself. 她有时自言自语。 He appeared to be talking to himself. 他似乎是在自言自语。 Usually most of the children and the old people like to think aloud. 通常小孩和老人喜欢自言自语。

He's always talking to himself. Do you think he's right in the head? 他老是自言自语,你看他头脑正常吗? John is always talking to himself. Do you think he's right in the head? 约翰总是自言自语,你认为他精神正常吗? "I can ask him the way," she siad to herself. “我可以向他问路,”她自言自语地说。 To utter indistinctly; mumble. 嘟囔含混地说;咕哝 He grunted his reluctant approval. 他咕哝出他的勉强的赞成。



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