
当春天来了万物复苏用英语怎么说ii miiinjiki

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何在两个月里备战英语四级]您好,希望我的答案能对您有所帮助,首先是调整好自己的心态,要用必胜的心态面对CET4。 其次就是坚持,每天都坚持做一些听力练习,以往没有顺利通过四级的考生往往是听力上得的分数...+阅读

And the marvellous rose became crimson, like the rose of the eastern sky. Crimson was the girdle of petals, and crimson as a ruby was the heart.

But the Nightingale's voice grew fainter, and her little wings began to beat, and a film came over her eyes. Fainter and fainter grew her song,and she felt something choking her in her throat.

Then she gave one last burst of music. The white Moon heard it, and she forgot the dawn, and lingered on in the sky. The red rose heard it,and it trembled all over with ecstasy, and opened its petals to the cold morning air. Echo bore it to her purple cavern in the hills, and woke the

sleeping shepherds from their dreams. It floated through the reeds of the

river, and they carried its message to the sea.




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