

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[用英文写一封应聘信]Dear sir: I want to be a reporter for the Sports Magazine.I like sports very much.I also like to watch sport games such as:Sports News ,Sports Report etc.I like...+阅读

Secondhand smoke from cigarettes causes disease including lung cancer and heart disease in non-smoking adults. Secondhand smoke, the combination of the smoke coming from the lit end of a cigarette plus the smoke exhaled by a smoker, can exacerbate adult asthma and cause eye, throat and nasal irritation. In children, secondhand smoke can cause conditions such as asthma, respiratory infections, cough, wheeze, middle ear infections and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. People should be able to avoid being around secondhand smoke, particularly in public places where they must go, such as public buildings, public transportation and many areas in the workplace. Particular care should be exercised where children are concerned. Adults should avoid smoking around them. Where smoking is permitted, the government should require the posting of warning notices that communicate public health officials' conclusions that secondhand smoke causes disease in non-smokers.


常见的电脑病毒有哪些?英文是什么?有什么危害Codered2 别名: W32/Bady.worm Code Red蠕虫能够迅速传播,并造成大范围的访问速度下降甚至阻断。"红色代码"蠕虫造成的破坏主要是涂改网页,对网络上的其它服务器进行攻击,被攻击的...

这个英文是什么意思呢match美音:[mætʃ]英音:[mætʃ] match1 名词 n. [C] 1.比赛,竞赛 Our side beat the other in the match. 我方在竞赛中击败了对方。 2.对手,敌手;相配者[S][(+for)] The blue...

match用英文解释你好,答案如下:Noun1. lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction;"he always carries matches to...

英文中的感谢语有哪些如何完美表达书信中的“谢谢” Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most e...

喝一杯牛奶英文用have a glass of milk?还是drink a glass of milk用drink更加合适,但是如果不想出错,have也可用,原因如下: 吃饭时喝汤是中国人的饮食习惯。在英语里,“汤”绝对不能“喝”,就是说,drink(喝)不能和soup(汤)搭配,不能说drink soup(喝汤)。...

可乐英文怎么读可乐英文是:cola 读音:英 ['kəʊlə] 美 ['kolə] n. 可乐;可乐树(其子含咖啡碱) n. (Cola)人名;(塞)措拉;(西、意、罗)科拉 相关短语: pepsi cola 百事可乐 Diet Cola 健怡可乐 ; 健怡...

果汁英文怎么读“果汁”的英语单词是juice.它的英式读法是[dʒuːs];美式读法是[dʒuːs]。 作名词意思有果汁;肉汁;消化液;汽油;精力。作及物动词意思是有挤出汁来;使有活力。 相关例句: 用作名...

Renaissance的英文解释Match: renaissance and others. ren·ais·sance (rĕn'ĭ-säns', -zäns', rĕn'ĭ-säns', -zäns', rĭ-nā'səns) n. A rebirth or revival. Renaissance The humani...

BigBen大笨钟的英文介绍Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London and is generally extended to refer to the clock...
