

02月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[扶摇片尾曲是什么谁唱的徐佳莹一爱难求完整歌词介绍]你懂什么 三界有什么好 若无贪嗔 若并无烦恼 又怎能叫我 一步三回头 为爱愁为恨求 为情把魂魄都丢掉 要我爱的那个爱我 只要那一个爱我 你用什么 换这一爱难求 若无病弱 若...+阅读

你说的是Brie Larson 的Hope Has Wings吧? Hope has wings when I'm stuck on the ground there's no up, only down every slap sends me falling not sure how to begin how to rise like the wind So the soon I'll be soaring I just breathe and let myself believe 'Cause hope has wings to carry you anything is possible just might be a miracle waiting to come true so I lift my eyes and see the sky feel my heart begin to fly I will be carried by my dreams 'cause hope has wings (hope has wings*2) I could climb through the clouds for away form the down that was be so amazing feel the sun on my face such a beautiful place yeah, I know that it's waiting skating safe encouraging with faith 'cause hope has wings(hope has wings) to carry you anything is possible just might be a miracle waiting to come true (come true) so I lift my eyes and see the sky feel my heart begin to fly I will be carried by my dreams(by my dreams, 'cause hope has wings) like a flame, like a spark I'm amazed by the change there's a star in the dark calling out my name follow me, I can see now I'm on my way (now I'm on my way) 'cause hope has wings (hope has wings) to carry you any things(any things) is possible just might be a miracle waiting to come true (come true) so I lift my eyes(lift my eyes) and see the sky feel my heart and begin to fly I will be carried by my dreams (by my dreams, la*6 ) I have a new hope that lives in me anywhere I go it sets me free it shines a light, its everywhere(When they fly) from north to south, it takes me there I have a new hope that lives in me anywhere I go it sets me free(la*4) it shines a light, its everywhere from north to south, it takes me there la la la la la hope has wings


扶摇片尾曲的一爱难求原唱是谁叫什么名字是男歌手还是女歌手一爱难求 (《扶摇》电视剧片尾主题曲) - 徐佳莹词:陈曦曲:董冬冬编曲:何琪制作人:董冬冬埙/箫:丁晓逵古筝:尚靖雅吉他:艾宇贝司:韩阳和音:徐佳莹配唱制作人:陈君豪配唱制作协力:葛大为混...

扶摇片尾曲是谁唱的徐佳莹一爱难求音源歌词介绍《一爱难求》是电视剧《扶摇》的片尾主题曲,由陈曦作词,董冬冬作曲,何琪编曲,徐佳莹演唱。你懂什么 三界有什么好若无贪嗔 若并无烦恼又怎能叫我 一步三回头为爱愁为恨求为情把...

元气星魂片尾曲生命之花歌词当蔷薇盛开的时光,张开我的翅膀。 当黑夜失去了星光,不必感觉彷徨。 赐予我,勇气去飞翔。 回忆过去的画面,已经变成一道模糊视线。 勇敢面对这世界,困难不能阻止梦的实现。 当虚...

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爱奇艺网播剧无间道片尾曲叫什么名字!有这么一段歌词陪你在等候陪义无反顾 - 任贤齐 (网剧《无间道》片尾曲) 作曲: 严晓蕾 作词: 陈耀森&任贤齐 编曲: 严晓蕾&覃嘉健 监制: 许创基&Edmond Tsang 不要说再见 怕不能再见 踏上这条路没有终点 日出...

青蛙王子片头曲片尾曲歌词《青蛙王子》片头曲《烫》 歌词: can you hear it.ho,baby can you feel it 热力火速在上涨 把渴望尽情释放用梦想冲撞 让激情发烫快发烫 看着你的目光在躲藏眼神在和我较量...

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