

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[疯狂在英语里面怎么说是形容词]疯狂的: 1. frantic 2. mad 3. maniac 4. raving 5. wild 6. crazy 7. daffy 8. rabid Relative explainations: <hyte> <possessed> <turned-on> <crack-brained> <bonkers>...+阅读

in this section,you will hear 5 short conversations.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question,you will have 10seconds to answer the question.During the pause,you must read the three choices marked A,BandC,and decide which is the best answer.Then,mark the corresponding letter on the right position.


如何解释疯狂英语到底什么是疯狂英语(Crazy English)呢? 一、疯狂英语是一种百折不挠的人生奋斗精神!有了这种奋斗精神,在人生的任何领域都可以取得成功!这种精神是目前中国青少年最缺乏的。 二、...

全国英语四级与大学英语四级有什么区别1.内容上二者都是差不多的,只不过在考试时大学英语四级侧重课本上的东西比较多,而全国英语四级考察的范围是很广泛的; 2.难度上二者差距不小。全国英语四级毕竟是全国性的考试,...

有没有外贸大神告诉我一下海散拼柜的货物运费到底是怎么算的海运散货运费计算 运费单位(Freight Unit),是指船公司用以计算运费的基本单位。由于货物种类繁多,打包情况不同,装运方式有别,计算运费标准不一。拼箱散货运费计算由船方以能收取...

六级英语题 2002年Intensify强调的是程度上的加强和强化,比原来更进一步,如:intensifythe scrutiny加强审查; Strengthen强调的是加强具体实力,难度,如:The enemy is strengthened.敌军力量增强 而后...

英语作文题目同学们你们知道去公园的路吗I went to the Children's Park with my parents last weekend.The park is in the south of our city,covering an area of 500 mu.Entering the park you can see statues...


英语外教课英语感想my have an interesting the foreign teacher, he's friendly very much and goodness.his help to me answer to any questions when i met some difficult questions.his...


初三英语听力材料翻译Bob:Hey, Amy,It's great to see you.你好,艾米。很高兴见到你!Amy:HI,Bob. How are you?嗨,鲍勃。你好吗?Bob:Fine.How, you've changed!嗯,还不错。你变化真大呀!Amy:Really? How?...
