

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[食品包装袋用英文怎么说]包装袋:package Examples: 包装袋的边上印有所含配料表。 There is a list of ingredients on the side of the packet. 食品包装: 1. food packing 2. foodpack 食品包装袋:fo...+阅读

Hello, everyone!I am an international student who came from China. I have been in South Korea for 9 years,and during these time I try really hard to learn Korean,which resulting in my dropping in English. For now, I can barely remember any. Even the few words I am saying right now are written by someone else. All in all, I am happy to be here and hope to know everyone in the days coming.





食品包装袋上的英文说明Nantucket (Dark Chocolate) Made From: unbleached enriched whear flour (Flour Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamine mononitrate, Folic Acid), Semi Sweet Chocolate (Suga...

亡羊补牢的英文怎么写When the calf is stolen, the farmer mends the stall. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。 We should avoid locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. 我们应该避免亡羊补牢...

伤心的英文单词是什么形容词:heartbroken ; grieved ; broken - hearted ; sorrowful 词组:to be sick at heart ; to break one ' s heart 相关词组伤心事,不幸的事;悲伤的原因 sorrow 【诗】悲哀,伤...

有谁知道我不是在笑的英文和中文歌词吗我的整个心被你记下了千百遍“我爱你” 现在我却像望夫石上的恋人,房间角落里的灰尘般被你无视 看着说出要分手的你,我的手不自觉的挥向了你的脸夹 拖着千斤重的腿我深深的下...

有没有写给男生的暖心情话最好是英文的谢谢I saw you You smiled warmly The world began waking up 我看到你了 你笑的那么温暖 让世界都开始苏醒 i always remember that day, when i met you i love you 我一直都...

常见的运输包装有哪些中英文名称是什么运输包装又称外包装,其主要作用是保护商品、方便储运和节省费用。 运输包装的类型 商品在运输过程中,不一定都需要包装。随着运输装卸技术的进步,越来越多的大宗颗粒状或液态商...

为考试做准备的英语翻译不多不漏一个字的翻译您好,【为考试做准备】的英语翻译有: 1)get readyfor an examination 2)be readyfor an examination 3)get preparedfor an examination 4)be preparedfor an examination 5)b...

谁知道英文的大学生怎么说啊academic普通院校大学生 undergraduate本科生或者大学肄业生, (尚未取得学位的)大学生 freshman大一 sophomore大二 junior大三 senior大四 university student大学里的大学生...

怎样让我的英文进步的快些一、培养学习英语的兴趣 爱因斯坦曾经说过:“兴趣和爱好是最好的老师”。浓厚的学习兴趣,可以使人集中力量,深入思考。如果让你去做一件你毫无兴趣的事,你根本无法做好,任何事如...
