

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请问托福考试的流程是怎么样的]新托福由四部分组成,分别是阅读(Reading)、听力(Listening)、口试(Speaking)、写作(Writing)。 一、阅读(Reading)有三篇文章 与现行托福不同的是,考生不需要在答题之前通读全文,而是在做...+阅读

一,改正语法错误及语义不清1.With the machine playing an increasingly big role in our life, vast changes await this country's society. 1)去掉machine前面的the,machine加复数2)big太口语化,随意化,改成important2)虽然没有语法错误,但后半句用法太不走寻常路,不好,平常很少有这么说话的。3)vast=very great extent of quantity; immense,改成dramatic3)this country 指代不明。this country是哪个country? 英文中每用一个代词,比如it, they, he, she, this, that的时候,都要注意这个代词所指代的对象必须在前文中出现过,不可以在第一段的第一句话就这样代。

这个问题我们的英语教学可能不强调,但在美国高中,这种“无指代”是明显的语法错误。4)逻辑。应该是随着机器在社会中的作用越来越大, 我们的生活随之产生了巨大的影响。我知道你可能有一些不同的想法,但是考托福主要是应试,把文章写出来就完了,这个不是考你的能力,就是考英语水平。所以还是尽量写你水平能掌控的句子。

改:Playing an increasingly important role in the world, machines bring many dramatic changes in our lives and for our societies. 2. When asked about which is better, doing work by machine or doing work by hand? 1)句子没有主语。改:When we are asked if it is better to doing work by machines or by hands,3. Many people say doing by machine may bring about marked rise in work time and efficiency, needless to say, scarcely does any machine need to have a rest, but other people regard it as the cause of the ascending jobless rate. 1)逗号错误,needless to say 开始应该是新的一句话,所以这里可以用冒号,分号或者巨好。

推荐用冒号,这样比较显得有风格。2)say 后面最好加that3)may去掉3)缺冠词,应该是may bring about A marked rise...4) 把work time and efficiency 可以改成 work rate5) scarce: insufficient for demand.是“稀缺”的意思,不能用在这里。6) 在but处,语法上没有错误,但是由于你这里是要开始你的第二个观点,所以最好另起一句,用However,的句法。7)jobless rate改成 unemployment rate,专用说法,失业率8) the 改成 an9)建议把it改回所指代的对象,使得文章更加准确。

改:Many people say that doing work by machine brings about a marked rise in work rate: needless to say, few does any machine need to have a rest. However, other people regard doing work by machine as the cause of an ascending employment rate.4. What's more, they maintain that although machines gains enormous advantages of economic growth, it can not compare with people who work by hand with their expertise. 1)单数第三人成,although machines gain2)前半句意思不太通。

3)指代准确,it改成they.改:What's more, they maintain that although machines contribute enormously for the economic growth, they can not compare with people who work by hand with their expertise.5.Nonetheless, I consider it is hard to give a simple answer for this contrary and I maintain that the advantages of either of them will sound more remarkable than these of the other in each case.1)contrary: adj. ... n.: the contrary= the opposite, 改成debate或discussion或problem2)句子不通。

看不懂什么意思。改:Nonetheless, I think we can not give a simple and one-sided answer for this debate, and I believe the answer depends on the particular situation we are dealing with. That is, for some cases, it is good to doing work by hand, and for the other cases, it is good to doing work by machines. 6.First of all, the invention of machine can be seen as a symbol of development. It is machines that keep people away from dangerous jobs. 没有语法错误,建议,1) can be seen 改成 can be regarded2) development 前加 industrial 和 technology.3) job 改成 work改:First of all, the invention of machines can be regarded as a symbol of industrial and technology development. It is machines that keep people away from dangerous work.7.History abounds with the instances of these indelibly miserable stories. 1)去掉the instances of。

这个属于无意义添加词,一般我们叫啰嗦,是英文的一种典型病句。2)去掉indelibly,these,加many3)加一句为什么,和前文呼应。改:History abounds with many miserable stories caused by human doing dangerous work.8.We may cite a nation-wide legend with reference to the Chinese woman Meng Jiang whose tears broke down the renowned great wall. 1) 整句直接改改:Meng Jiang, a female figure in a Chinese fairy tale, reportedly cried down the great wall, because her husband was died on duty of the construction of the great wall.9. Although it might be not an authentic issue in history, it just demonstrates that so arduous is it to accomplish the splendid project without the help of modern advanced ...


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