

02月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[流行英语口语热门话题327个目录的介绍]《流行英语口语热门话题327个(上册)》目录: 第一章 闲聊用语Chat 1.Not in my book.我不这么认为。 2.I heard though the grape vine that…我从小道消息听说…… 3.Now,now....+阅读

口语题重在讲清楚,选哪个无所谓,以下是我的回答中会出现的一些关键词。 1.I prefer to stdudy in the evening for several reasons. 1st,I'm a student and I have to have classes in the morning so at night I can work on the assignment and practice what I learn in the day. 2nd,for me , I work more efficiently at night after all the activities in the day...(自由发挥) 2、I'm really interested in helping the ederly in whatever way.In the modern society,many of them are lonely after contributing all their lives to their families and the world.They deserve a better life---not with a lot of money,but with countless fun. I can help them...(自由发挥) furthermore,they have wisdom after so many years.They can help me in another way...(自由发挥)for instance... 3\The former outweighs the latter definitely--in my opinion. you have a certain amount of brain to record a certain amount of things,so if you don't want to be at a loss what you've done when looking back,you have to do something to keep them. (接下来举例子)these photos remind me of my 18th birthday,which is a vital moment in my life;that piece of paper tells me that I have done something that so wrong that it hurt my best friend,and I shouln't do that again;and also,that notebook has all my memories with so many cute guys in Egypt.... 啊~写了这么多~分给我吧~哈哈~希望对你有帮助~


求一些英语国家常说的句子或句型!或者流行口语What's up? = What's happening? = What's new? 见面时随囗问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?”一般的回答是“Nothing much!”或“Nothing new!”一、 Greetings 问候语1....



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