

02月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何在现实中学英语]1、将英语真正融入日常生活。不要学英语,而要生活在英语当中! 所以,希望大家都成为行动的巨人。语言是靠实践的,任何时候别人判断你的语言能力高与否,不是审视你任何一张纸上的数...+阅读

Happy birthday to you. Be happy and enjoy your life. Have a happy day! Happy birthday my dear friend. I'm sorry that I cannot be there for your birthday. However, my heart is always with you. I'm sorry that I can't share this joy with you. I wish you happiness on your birthday. I always hope to see your bright smile. Congratulations on your birthday. I wish for a thousand days with you! Always dream with me. I hope to be with you again, and I send my wishes for every happiness on your birthday. Congratulations! I wish you health and good luck. I love you. Happy Birthday! May God bless you on your birthday. The mercy of Buddha will always be with you. Celebrate your birthday. I wish health and happiness to your family. I'm really sorry that I can't share this joy with you, and I send my best wishes on your birthday. Celebrating Long Life & 70th Birthday Thank you for the warmth and kindness you gave me. I'm joining in celebrating your 70th birthday, and I wish you health. In celebration of your 70th birthday, I wish you happiness. In celebration of your 70th birthday, I wish you health. I'm really sorry that I can't attend your birthday feast. Best wishes. Congratulations on your 61st birthday. Celebrating your 61st birthday and wishing you health. Celebrate your 61st birthday and may you enjoy good health. A Baby's First Birthday & 100th Day & New Baby In celebration of baby's first birthday and wishing happiness Congratulations on baby's first birthday! May love and peace always be with your baby. Congratulations on baby's first birthday and best wishes Congratulations on baby's first birthday In celebration of baby's 100th Day and wishing for healthy growth. Congratulations on Baby's 100th Day! You're parents now. Congratulations! Congratulations on a new little baby to brighten your world. In celebration of your new baby and wishing health to both mother and baby Congratulations on an easy delivery and wishing you health


自考高级英语试卷浙江省2009年4月高等教育自学考试高级英语试题课程代码:100051. If this method doesn't ______, we'll have to think of another way.A. come down B. come to C. come acr...

一年级用英语怎么说你们老师说的是对的, first 是序数词 表修饰 表明是 第一 年级, 也就是一年级。 而一年级用英文应该是 Grade One (两个词首字母都要大写!!必要条件!!!) 但是题目中grade一词在括号后...


学习英语应从哪入手呢最关键的是你要对英语有兴趣! (不感兴趣就不必往下看了) 初中基础要打好 基础打好之后_听说读写 都要练习 单词要多记些 听-你得知道人家说的是什么 别人家问"吃了么?"你回答"喝了"...

若想自学英语该从何着手呢我只想给你介绍一些有用的教材,可是,发了三次都不被通过! 我给你推荐一些使用的东西吧。 语法的话推荐 English Grammar in Use (Murphy), 有初级和中高级学习者的供选择。 整套...

我想自学英语应该从哪里入手自学是可以的,但最好能有个伙伴,这样才有述说的对象,才能以后和别人交流的时候不会知那么紧张。学以致用,就是这个道理。 所以我建议你加个英语口语QQ群,(如果你愿意,可以加入我的Q...

商务英语需要哪些基础对于商务英语来说,是英语中一个重要的分支,现在已经被广泛应用于商务环境中的各种工作,例如,外贸行业中,就需要利用商务英语去进行洽谈和处理日常事务。 那么,既然是作用于商务环...


