

02月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文母亲是个怎样的人]我的妈妈40多岁,高高身材,不胖不瘦,额头上有几丝浅浅的皱纹,脸上常常挂着微笑。 妈妈为人善良,她从小就教导我做人要诚实,待人要宽厚,从小就来培养我好的品德。记得有件事我总是忘...+阅读

t tells the story of a childhood lost mother by her stepmother Snow White Witch framed, was forced to flee to the forest, and dwarfs shelter. But when her stepmother that snow white is not dead and then again and again to be the old woman framed her, finally put snow white. Later, a handsome prince saved her. The snow white princess and the prince lived happily together, her stepmother and the witch should be punished.

What a touching story! What a beautiful ending! I like the story, because it created many lively lovable characters. The beautiful pure white snow princess and be extremely cruel and merciless witch, they for the fairy tale added many moving notes, make this call more vivid and more interesting and more profound. It also tells us that" there is justice in this world." education, we cannot blindly in pursuit of beauty, the beauty of the soul is the most important. Snow white beautiful soul is also the United States, and the witch people mind is ugly and dirty. The students also remember, we can't be jealous of others, too strong jealousy is likely to cause harm to others and themselves.





学习小榜样一百字作文我身边的榜样 说起“榜样”,那就一定是能起到带头作用,能够影响其他人的优秀模范,我表哥就是一个这样的人。他比我大八岁,我在心底很是佩服他,他学习刻苦努力,成绩不管是在班中还...

有关身边的榜样的作文 600字我们身边的榜样其实有很多,正像孔子所说“三人行必有我师”每一个人都有我们需要学习的地方,而我们也应该多向别人学习,多克制自己的坏毛病。在我的身边有着很多这样的榜样。...

我身边的榜样作文 500字在我们身边,有着许多榜样,我们班也有一个榜样。他皮肤黝黑,身材高大,还有一颗正直的心。 他关心集体,非常热爱我们班级,在班里说话也很有威力。有一次,老师还没有来上课的时候,班里...

我身边的榜样1000字作文学校里的就写徐老师我身边的榜样教师 我的榜样就在身边,我们是同一所学校毕业的,我们是同一年毕业的, 我们是同一时间步入教师这个职业的,可以说我们的起点是一样的,但经过五年的锻炼,我发现,我们之间...


