

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com


A: Hi everyone!

B: Hi!

C: Do you guys know christmas is coming?

D: Yes, definatly. What is your plan,E?

E: I will go on a holiday with my family. What about you?

D: Oh, I will probably go out with some friends. Do you guys want to come with me?

A&B : Yes sure.

C: Sorry but i can't. I have to visit my grandpa.

F: Same here! i am also going to visit my grandpa.

G: I would like to go out with D. but where are you planning to go?

D: I'm not sure. what do you guys think?

A: maybe we can go to the cinema.

B: or we can go the restruant.

D: what about you G?

G: i think we can go watch a moive first before going to the restruant.

A&B&D : that's a good idea.

E: i know a resturant near the school. and it is really good.

F: are you saying the maxican one?

E: yes.

F: i know that one as well. and it is really nice. i went there before with my parents. i suggest you guys can go there.

C: and also, i heard that a new movie is coming out during christmas.

A&B: that's so cool!

D&G: we are sure going to have a wonderful christmas! merry christmas everyone.

A,B,C,E,F: you too have a good chirstmas.


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