

01月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[因为用英语怎么说]because 英文读音:英 [bɪˈkəz; bɪˈkɒz] 美 [bɪˈkəz,bɪˈkɔːz] 中文释义: conj. 因为,由于 prep. 因为某人(某事物) 相关短语 1、partly because 部分原因是 2、Becau...+阅读

The Little Match-Girl 卖火柴的小女孩 It was dreadfully cold, it was snowing fast, and almost dark; the evening----the last evening of the old year was drawing in. But, cold and dark as it was, a poor little girl, with bare head and feet, was still wandering about the streets. When she left her home she had slippers on, but they were much too large for her; indeed, properly, they belonged to her mother, and had dropped off her feet whilst1 she was running very fast across the road, to get out of the way of two carriages. One of the slippers was not to be found, the other had been snatched up by a little boy, who ran off with it thinking it might serve him as a doll's cradle. 天气非常非常冷,雪下得很大,夜幕已降临。


他想,这只鞋可以当做玩具娃娃睡觉的摇篮。 So the little girl now walked on, her bare feet quite red and blue with the cold. She carried a small bundle of matches in her hand, and a good many more in her tattered apron. No one had bought any of them the live long day; no one had given her a single penny. Trembling with cold and hunger crept she on, the picture of sorrow: poor little child! 现在这小女孩只好光着脚在街上行走,一双脚步冻得又红又青。

她那破旧的围裙兜着许多火柴,手里还拿着一小捆。可整整一天谁也没有向她买过一根——谁也没有给她一个铜板。她又饿又冷,哆哆嗦嗦地向前走着,这是一幅非常凄惨的景象:可怜的小姑娘! The snow-flakes fell on her long, fair hair, which curled in such pretty ringlets over her shoulders; but she thought not of her own beauty, or of the cold. Lights were glimmering through every window, and the savoir of roast goose reached her from several houses; it was New Year's eve, and it was of this that she thought. 雪花落在她那金黄色的头发上——长长的卷发披散在肩上,看起来十分美丽,可她想不到自己的漂亮。

从每扇窗子透出的亮光和飘出的烤鹅肉香味,使她想起的只是今天是除夕之夜 In a corner formed by two houses, one of which projected beyond the other. She sat down, drawing her little feet close under her, but in vain, she could not warm them. She dared not go home, she had sold no matches, earned not a single penny, and perhaps her father would beat her, besides her home was almost as cold as the street, it was an attic; and although the larger of the many chinks in the roof were stopped up with straw and rags. the wind and snow often penetrated through. Her hands were nearly dead with cold; one little match from her bundle would warm them. Perhaps, if she dared light it, she drew one out, and struck it against the wall, bravo! it was a bright, warm flame, and she held her hands over it. It was quite an illumination for that poor little girl; nay,1 call it rather a magic taper, for it seemed to her as though she was sitting before a large iron-stove with brass ornaments, so beautifully blazed the fire within! The child stretched out her feet to warm them also; alas, in an instant the flame had died away, the stove vanished, the little girl sat cold and comfortless, with the burnt match in her hand. 街边一前一后坐落着两座房子,形成一个小墙角,她蹲在墙角里,把一双小脚卷缩到身下坐了下来,可是没有用,她还是不觉得暖和。



A second match was struck against the wall; it kindles and blazed, and wherever its light fell the wall became transparent as a veil. The little girl could see into the room within. She saw the table spread with a snow-white damask cloth, whereon were ranged shining china-dishes; the roast goose stuffed with apples and dried plums stood at one end, smoking hot, and which was pleasantest of all to see;the ...


由于因为用英语怎么说because 英 [bɪ'kɒz] 美 [bɪ'kɔːz] conj. 因为;由于词语用法conj. (连词) 1、because的基本意思是“因为”,强调直接造成某种结果的理由和原因,所引导的原因状语从句多置于...

因为下雨用英语怎么说Because of the rain 因为下雨 或 Since it was raining 例句 1.因为下雨,我们不得不呆在家里。 Because of the rain, we have to stay at home. 2.因为下雨,我们选择在室内...

德语专业的学生如何准备英语四级单词(阅读) 和 听力 再就是看两篇范文。。 1、首先定位自己的英语水平 了结自己,了解四级,可谓是知己知彼,百战不殆。首先可以以自己所参加的几次综合考试或四级考试,以及做全真题...

英语during等于part吗意思是什么不一样。以下是during与part的意思。 during [英][ˈdjʊərɪŋ][美][ˈdʊrɪŋ] prep. 在…的时候; 在…期间,当…之时; 其间; part [英][pɑ:t][美][pɑ:rt] n. 部分; 零件; 参...

英语part和role区别两个词的共同点就是都表示”角色“这个意思 play a part in 用在参加某活动时,作为其中的一员,一部分. play a role in表示扮演某一角色,起某种特定的作用. part [pɑ:t] n. 一...

英语高手进中文翻译成英文要运用到括号中的词语1、As the BBC report says,the English enterprise should employ more native young people. 2、Winter is approaching,hundreds of millions of birds fly from north t...

一个小时用英语表示“一个小时”应该用用英语“an hour”来表示。 “an”用在以元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)开头的单词前,这里说的元音,指的是音标。 “hour”的音标是['auə],这里的“h”是重度闭音节,不发...

1个小时半半小时 2个小时半这用英语怎么表达方法越多越好1个小时半、 One hour and a half, 半小时、 Half an hour, 2个小时半 two and a half hours 1个小时半、 One hour and a half, 或 one and a half hours 半小时、 Half an...

帮忙翻译一下英文啊 1个小时以内翻译啊要准备and you might not be with her in the future. But if such a person is called silly, I would rather be the first one and try to be such a fool and follyIf you kne...
