

01月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[能给我一些在商店购物的英语词汇吗]要想掌握常用的一些英语用法的话,单单从单词入手是远远不够的,还是得从句子入手,才能全面的理解。以下,试衣鞋在商店购物会常用到的对话: 一、询问衣服 1. How are these? 这些怎...+阅读

My taste Since I was a child, I always dream about playing table tennis. I did play some nice ball games, but I often got beaten badly. However, it didn't reduce my interest in table tennis. I was crazy to stand in front of table and raised my paddle. As soon as I got off the school, I would rash to tennis table right away. There were few tables on the school, therefore I had to wait for a long time to play but my skill didn't improve much. Nevertheless, I didn't care about it. I thought I had a good time in playing table tennis and I listed it as my best taste. Now, I am grow-up and have left school for a while. I don't have time and hardly find a friend to play table tennis. But doctor said I needed some exercise for my health. I figured out I still could play table tennis, only if I played the ball against the wall. Many of my friends passed by my house. They llikely came in to see me, because they heard the noices of ball bouncing back and forth. It was my exercises in playing table tennis without table. They were curious about my crazy action. I didn't mind they made fun about me. I, on the other hand, liked to introduce to them that was my taste and fancy way of exercise.


想学英语学什么好英语六级水平其实也就阅读基本够了, 听力可能只够对付考试, 口语和写作这种创造性的东西更是没怎么训练。 你说的能挺能写能说其实就是个英语的实际应用性能力而不是说应试的...

想学英语哪家好排名前十的是哪几家Katy Perry - Teenage DreamKaty Perry-FireworkLady Gaga ft. Beyoncé - telephoneLady Gaga-monsterLady Gaga-Poker faceB.O.B. - Airplanes Train- Hey Soul Sister Lo...


总结2020年展望2021句子有哪些1、2020总结下来就是:人生是一个不断克服重重困难且持续贫穷的过程。 2、一个人的态度,决定他的高度。再见2020,展望2021。 3、学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。再见2020,...


展望未来为话题的作文啊回顾过去,展望未来 白驹过隙。我该将怀想什么?对于那三年,张张画面似乎仍像昨日一般浮现在眼前。怀想过去,如翱翔于天际一般。那般温暖。而对于将来的三年,我满怀憧憬,所有的画面...

工作展望是什么工作展望就是对未来工作的一些想法,看法和规划,在展望未来的基础上明确目标,制定计划并实施计划。 展望,汉语词汇,读音为zhǎn wàng,指向远处看;向将来看; 估量事物发展的前途。 1...

展望2020年的我题记改怎么写呢光阴似箭,日月如梭,充满着许许多多美好回忆的2019已经过去了,我们现在正在和2020紧紧握手。 2019的点点滴滴已经成为了永恒的过往,那就让2020的自己更加完美吧!你好,2020! 无法追...

未来展望怎么写回忆过去展望未来 转眼间我入学已经快满一年,在一年的大学生活后我再回忆起我的高中时代依然觉得那是一段紧张而又充实的日子。尽管期间我有过松懈,彷惶也曾一度迷失自我,但是...
