

01月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[伟大的用英语怎么说]“伟大的”英文:great; grand;mighty grand 读法 英 [grænd] 美 [ɡrænd] 1、adj. 宏伟的;豪华的;极重要的 2、n. 大钢琴;一千美元 短语: 1、grand theatre 大剧院(位于波尔多) 2...+阅读

Questions: 1. Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?为什么养长颈鹿最不花钱? 2. Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?狗为什么害怕日光浴? 3. Why is the pig always eating?猪为什么没完没了地吃? 4、Why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?政客们为什么不再关注打雪仗了? 5、Why don't women get bald as soon as men?为什么总是男人比女人先秃头? 6、What can pierce one's ears without a hole?什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔? 7. What's the longest word in the world?世界上最长的单词是什么? 8. Why does time fly?时间为何飞逝? 9. Where can a dog get another tail?狗去哪里可以再弄到一条尾巴? Keys: 1. They make a little food go a long way.因为它们脖子长,一点点食物都要走很长的路才能咽下去。 2. They don't want to be hot-dog.因为它们不想成为热狗。 3. He's making a hog of himself.它想成为一只肉猪。 4、The cold war is over.冷战结束了。 5、Because women wear hire longer.因为女人头发留得长。 6、Noice.噪音。 7. Smiles. Because there's a mile between the letter 's'.微笑。因为两个字母S中间隔了一里。 8. To get away from all those who are trying to kill it.为的是甩掉所有要谋杀它的人。 9. At a retail store.在零售商店。


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英语的脑筋急转Questions: 1. Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed? 为什么养长颈鹿最不花钱? 2. Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe? 狗为什么害怕日光浴? 3. Why is the pig always eating...
