

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com


Beautiful Voice Being with the same dormitory in university,one of my classmates,who is from Harbin,never has not phoned his parents.He said that there was no phone at home,It is Ok for him to write to his parents,We are surprised at : "He lives in modern city,Living condition is not bad, Why not instal a telephone? After the summer vacation,he often went to bed to listen to a tape secretly,which was taken from his home.Sometime he was crying for sadness, We proposed to borrow his tape to listen, He did not agree.One time when was out,we got the tape under the pillow and put it in the recorder,After we listened to it,it seemed that there was not any voice in it,We are puzzled what he was dealing with the blank tape every night. In the coming of graduation,he told us about his family, His parents were all deaf and dumb.When he was very young,his father died.To make a living, his mother endured all hardships as well as got the an expression of scorn.For his study,his mother paid much attention to create the best conditions for him.They never had him suffer from the hardship.After their living condition was better,he had to leave his mother to go to university.He said that he often missed her,His achievement was from "Silent Love" of his parents,including his father.I taped the voice of breathing.I listened it every night,feeling parents being with him. We were deeply moved.Caring from family is the most brilliant sunshine in the world,No natter where we come out far,or fly higher,in the eyes of our parents,we are always the apple of their eye.being cared for every day. Silent love is the most beautiful voice in the world. 最美的声音 大学时同寝室有一个家住哈尔滨的同学,她从不给家里打电话。

他说家里没有电话,写信就行了.我们有些奇怪:他家住大城市,生活条件也不错,家里怎么不安电话呢? 那次暑假回来后,他每天晚上都躲在被窝里听一盘从家里带来的磁带,有几次还哭出了声。我们提出借他的磁带听一听,他说什么也不肯。有一次趁他不在,我们从他枕头底下翻出了那盘磁带,放在录音机里听,好像没听到声音。我们很纳闷:他每天晚上听这盘空磁带干什么呢? 快毕业时,他才告诉我们原因.原来她父母都是聋哑人,父亲在他很小的时候就死去了,为了生活,他们吃尽了苦也受尽了别人的白眼,为了他能好好上学读书,母亲的心都放在他身上,给他创造最好的条件,从不让他受一点委屈。

后来日子好过了,他却要离开母去远方上大学,他说:“我时常想念家中的妈妈,也包括爸爸,是他们用无言的爱塑造了我的今天.那次暑假回家,我录下了呼吸的声音,每天晚上听着,感觉父母好像在身边一样。” 我们的心灵被深深震撼了,亲情是世界上最灿烂的阳光。无论我们走出多远,飞得多高,父母的目光都在我们的背后,我们永远是他们心中最最牵挂的孩子.大爱无言,而那份无言的爱,就是人世间最美的声音. 楼主觉得咋样?把分分给我8~


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