

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请帮忙把菜单翻译成英文和日文]茶壶海鲜汤(土瓶燕) Soup of a seafood of a teapot (swallow of a countrified bottle) 急须の海鲜のスープ(田舎くさい瓶の燕)韩国泡菜 Korean sour pickles 韩国の酸味のある...+阅读

34.make a snowman35.make a kite36.make the bed37.play chess38.pick leaf39.come from40.plant trees41.do the exercise42.play the piano43.read the book44.ride the bike45.lay the table46.clean the floor47.take the picture48.use the computer49.visit one's parents50.wash the cloths51.watch insects52.watch TV53.water the flower54.write a letter55.write a report56.write an email57.go boating/rowing...


求把一段商务英语实践报告翻译成英文The development of enterprise internationalization, business English, international trade related professional talent demand also gradually increase. The tide o...

询问几个英语词组实在是查不到可能是俚语口语里面-ing经常用-in'来代替 所以,pouring=pourin' 1.滔天大雨 2.我感觉(时间)紧迫 3.Ain't 在口语里可以代指isn't,aren't,am not. 这句话就是指那真是遗憾/丢脸 4.开始发现...

swan翻译成中文是什么意思柯林斯英汉双解大词典swan1[swɔn; swɔ:n]n.1.【鸟类】1.雁亚科(Anserinae)水禽2.大天鹅 (Cygnus olor)[参较mute swan, trumpeter swan, whistlingswan, whooper swan]2.天鹅般...

rumpumpum歌词翻译成中文안녕 한 번 쯤은 날 들어봤겠지 你好,至少想起过一次我是谁吧 너의 사랑니 我是你的智齿,啊~啊~啊 이미 어릴 때 모두 겪었다 생각하겠지 小时候都有过的吧,任谁都会想起,以为它...

一些法语词组和短句的翻译问题1) manger sur le pouce 一般指站着吃,而且没有盘子, -指很快地吃点东西 2)挑选出来的 最受读者欢迎的书3)两个差不太多, 只是前者更有组织一些,后者稍微随便些4)poussière 指旧...

有关新年的英语词组有哪些Merry Christmas, my best friend. 祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。 A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend. 希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。 Take your passion...

简单翻译成英文Hello~~~ Thanks for coming to my blog every day. I think you are really cute. l like you very much but my english is poor Please forgive me I am sorry to interr...

急求外贸函电词组翻译1. 一切险 all Risk 2. 水渍险 W.P.A=With Particular Average 3. 平安险 F.P.A=Free from Particular Average 4. 额外保险 Extra Insurance 5. 保险费率 Insurance Rate 1...

日文歌在你身边翻译成中文谐音歌词Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ Baby boy Watashi ha kokoni iruyo Dokomai kazuno matteruyo Baby boy 我就在这里 等候在此哪都不去You know th...
