

01月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我想要中英文对照的中西餐菜谱]西餐菜谱的中英对照 色拉: salad nicoise 尼斯式色拉 gelatin salad 胶状色拉 sunshine salad 胡萝卜色拉 waldorf salad 沃尔多夫色拉 vegetable combination salad 蔬菜大...+阅读

The development of enterprise internationalization, business English, international trade related professional talent demand also gradually increase. The tide of economic globalization to enterprises involved in the international arena, using professional knowledge is the practical talents in foreign trade enterprises are looking for. Business English in the improvement of foreign language ability at the same time, as a kind of occupation English, be familiar with the language based on the grasp of the flow of international trade, international business management theory knowledge, foreign enterprise's transaction mode, management concept, even living habits, culture etc.. To learn the business knowledge to practical work is the core objective of business English learning, this paper describes the use of business English language and professional knowledge in foreign trade, it is reflected in every detail in the practice of foreign trade. Through the practice in Nanan women and children goods Co. Ltd., use in school to learn professional knowledge, the combination of theory and practice, improve their international trade practice ability.


电影我知女人心里的那首英文歌叫什么名字华仔在酒吧唱的那首? Slip Away (不要让明天溜走) 演唱:刘德华 Every time I look into the mirror of my mind 镜子里 我看到了理性的目光 I barely recognise the man I see...

不能忍受别人做某事的英文短语bear表示“忍受;经得起” bear to do sth, bear doing, 或 bear that 从句He could not bear that his friends should laugh at him. 他受不了朋友们竟也嘲笑他。 I can't be...

不能容忍用英语怎么说我不能容忍他 I can't hold with him 他不能容忍听众打断He would brook no interruptions from his listeners. 她不能容忍那个粗鲁的家伙She can't tolerate that rude fe...

商务英语实习报告为你认真翻译的~~~~ 1.经营综合报告 2.主办方组织背景 3.营业 a、运用SWOT分析【即:四点分析】(优势、劣势、机遇、威胁)。 b、组织结构(画出图,如果必要的话)。 c、营销策略, d、...


商务英语的实习报告如何写I a Introduction - SIP Company's role/ position in the Local Industry setting - Student's role and duties in the Co. I b Environmental Issues at SIP Company - c...



商务英语专业的中专生的实习报告怎么写给你一篇范文,自己仿写去吧。汽车驾驶实习报告 我在学期初进行了具有本专业——车辆工程特色的实习课程——汽车驾驶。当我得知这个消息的时候,内心很是激动,兴奋之情溢于言表...
