

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求专业英语翻译他是个运动健将每天像打了鸡血一样根本停不下]他是个运动健将,每天像打了鸡血一样,根本停不下来 He is a master sportsman, just like he has been injected with stimulants (或 "chicken blood") everyday, simply cannot s...+阅读

1.may I help u add more water?

2.Could it be higher?

3.here, could here be shorter?


7.oh,are these toolong?

8.Hi,I'm the designer XX ,may I take your service today?



11.I advise u try this style,if u don't like we could modify it.

12.It's really pretty ,oh gorgeous~

13.Oh god your Chinese is so great

14.How long have u been here in China

15.Sorry my English is not very well can u speak En.?

16.Can u show it by some simple Chinese?


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模具专业英语翻译展开全部 In this passage, a reliable and practical sample moulding is introduced. Firstly calculate the overall dimension of workpiece acc workpice drawing, the...

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